Spanish Sentences About Science

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential science-themed Spanish sentences designed to boost your Spanish vocabulary! With text-to-speech audio and English translations, our engaging platform is perfect for intermediate Spanish learners looking to expand their knowledge of key Spanish phrases within the context of science. Dive into a diverse collection of scientifically savvy sentences, immerse yourself in the terminology, and master the Spanish language with the help of our interactive learning tools. Whether you're a science enthusiast or just aiming to refine your language skills, these Spanish sentences will enrich your linguistic journey._INCORRECT_

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • El agua es un líquido.

    Water is a liquid.

  • El aire se compone principalmente de nitrógeno y oxígeno.

    Air is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen.

  • El biólogo estudió las especies en peligro de extinción.

    The biologist studied the endangered species.

  • El diamante era una roca sólida.

    The diamond was a solid rock.

  • El sol es más brillante que la luna.

    The sun is brighter than the moon.

  • El tamaño del universo es inimaginable.

    The size of the universe is unimaginable.

  • Este es el resultado de nuestra investigación.

    This is the outcome of our research.

  • Este líquido transparente contiene veneno.

    This transparent liquid contains poison.

  • Estos alienígenas quieren esclavizar a la humanidad.

    These aliens want to enslave humanity.

  • Estos órganos fueron hechos en tubos de ensayo.

    These organs were made in test tubes.

  • Exploraremos todos los planetas que giran alrededor del sol.

    We will explore every planet that goes around the sun.

  • La extinción es parte de la evolución.

    Extinction is part of evolution.

  • La Tierra es un planeta.

    Earth is a planet.

  • Los cables conducen la electricidad.

    Wires carry electricity.

  • Los cables se usan para conducir la electricidad.

    Wires are used to convey electricity.

  • ¿Qué efectos tendría la alineación planetaria?

    What effects would planetary alignment have?

  • ¿Sabes quién inventó el microscopio?

    Do you know who invented the microscope?

  • Sin la mutación aleatoria de los genes, no habría evolución.

    Without the random mutation of genes, there would be no evolution.

  • Trabaja en el laboratorio.

    He works in the lab.

  • Un observatorio regional se encargará de vigilar la ejecución del plan.

    A regional observatory will be directed to monitor the execution of the plan.

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