Serbian Sentences About Crime

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Elevate your intermediate Serbian to new heights with our comprehensive collection of Serbian sentences focused on the intriguing theme of 'Crime.' Clozemaster's unique compilation not only boosts your Serbian vocabulary but also offers a captivating way to immerse yourself in the language. Each of our carefully selected Serbian phrases comes equipped with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations to ensure a complete learning experience. Whether you're looking to refine your comprehension or expand your verbal expression, these sentences are perfectly tailored to help you master the lingo of law and order. Join us to explore the darker side of Serbian vocabulary and become fluent in no time!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bio je osumnjičen za pljačku.

    He was suspected of the robbery.

  • Dokazi su prikazani na sudu.

    Evidence was shown in court.

  • Hakeri provaljuju u računare bez dozvole.

    Hackers break into computers without permission.

  • Iskopali su kutiju koja je sadržavala ljudske ostatke.

    They dug up a box containing human remains.

  • Kamera je snimila čoveka koji je krao u prodavnici.

    The camera caught the man stealing in the store.

  • Lopov mi je ukrao novčanik.

    The thief stole my wallet.

  • Marija je Tomu poklonila kutiju čokolade prošaranu otrovom.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Nestalo dete je tražila policija.

    The missing child was sought by police.

  • Oni su to prijavili vlastima.

    They reported it to the authorities.

  • Policija je uhapsila lopove.

    The police arrested the crooks.

  • Priča se da je ona džeparoš.

    Rumor says that she is a pickpocket.

  • Tom je lažirao svoju smrt.

    Tom faked his death.

  • Tom je namamljen u zamku.

    Tom was lured into a trap.

  • Tom je nestao bez traga.

    Tom disappeared without a trace.

  • Tom je osuđen na doživotni zatvor.

    Tom was sentenced to life in prison.

  • Tom je priznao ubistvo Meri.

    Tom confessed to murdering Mary.

  • Treba mi ključ da dekodiram ovu poruku.

    I need the key to decode this message.

  • Uhapšen je zbog krijumčarenja robe.

    He was arrested for smuggling goods.

  • Zatvorenik je oslobođen posle 10 godina.

    The prisoner was set free after 10 years.

  • Zločin se povećava.

    Crime is increasing.

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