Serbian Sentences About Feeling

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive resource designed to enhance your Serbian vocabulary with practical Serbian sentences focused on the theme of "Feeling." Perfect for intermediate Serbian learners, our page offers 20 authentic Serbian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Immerse yourself in the language and improve your understanding of emotional expression through captivating Serbian sentences tailored to advance your proficiency. Whether you're aspiring to speak like a native or simply expanding your linguistic knowledge, our carefully selected sentences will prove indispensable on your journey to mastering Serbian phrases that convey feelings. Dive in and let your fluency flourish!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bila je na ivici plakanja.

    She was on the verge of crying.

  • Bilo je to vrlo korisno iskustvo.

    It was a very rewarding experience.

  • Čitajući dobre knjige možemo izvući zadovoljstvo.

    From reading good books we can derive pleasure.

  • Imao je osećaj o misteriji.

    He had a hunch about the mystery.

  • Izgledaš nesigurno.

    You look unsure.

  • Iznad oblaka, pilot je osetio slobodu bez granica.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • Ja drhtim kad mi je hladno.

    I shudder when I'm cold.

  • Ja sam strašno gladan.

    I am terribly hungry.

  • Kombinacija ostavlja loš ukus u ustima.

    The combination leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Moje srce lupa.

    My heart is pounding.

  • Osećam se malo mučno posle vožnje.

    I feel a bit queasy after the ride.

  • Osećam se osveženo.

    I feel refreshed.

  • Osećam se pospano posle dugog dana.

    I feel sleepy after a long day.

  • Osećao sam se kao preporođen.

    I felt reborn.

  • Osećao sam se ošamućeno kada sam ustao.

    I felt dazed when I got up.

  • Oseća se uznemireno zbog glasne buke.

    She feels disturbed by the loud noise.

  • Osvežite se šoljicom čaja.

    Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

  • Potreban mi je predah.

    I need a breather.

  • Probudio se osećajući se dezorijentisano i zbunjeno.

    He woke up feeling disoriented and confused.

  • Žao mi je zbog njega.

    I feel pity for him.

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