Serbian Sentences About Government

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Unlock the world of political discourse with our comprehensive list of 20 Serbian sentences focused on "Government". Ideal for intermediate Serbian learners, this resource was crafted to boost your Serbian vocabulary, helping you to master essential Serbian phrases with ease. Each sentence comes equipped with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio, ensuring your pronunciation is as authentic as it gets. Sharpen your understanding of governmental concepts and engage confidently in political conversations. Start expanding your command of the Serbian language today – delve into the intricacies of government-related dialogue and make every word count!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Granica je zatvorena.

    The border is closed.

  • Imate obavezu da glasate.

    You have an obligation to vote.

  • Izabrali smo ga za predsednika.

    We elected him president.

  • Jednakost je garantovana Ustavom.

    Equality is guaranteed by the Constitution.

  • Ljudi protestuju ispred gradske skupštine.

    People are protesting outside the city hall.

  • Mnogi senatori su bili protiv toga.

    Many senators opposed it.

  • Narod se pobunio protiv kralja.

    The people rebelled against the king.

  • Naš krajnji cilj je da uspostavimo svetski mir.

    Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace.

  • Novi zakon je primenjen na narodu ostrva.

    The new law was enforced on the people of the island.

  • Predsedavajući najavljuje da je sastanak otvoren.

    The president declares the session open.

  • Predsednik upravlja državom.

    The country is governed by the president.

  • Primaš novac od vlade.

    We receive money from the government.

  • Regionalna opservatorija će biti upućena da nadgleda izvršenje plana.

    A regional observatory will be directed to monitor the execution of the plan.

  • Sem je pozvan u vojsku.

    Sam was drafted into the military.

  • Tom radi za Ujedinjene nacije.

    Tom works for the United Nations.

  • U demokratiji je važno da bude nezavisno novinarstvo.

    In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent.

  • Upravljati državom nije lak posao.

    To govern a country is not an easy job.

  • Veće će se sastati sledeće nedelje.

    The council will meet next week.

  • Vi birate svog predstavnika glasanjem.

    You elect your representative by voting.

  • Zastave sveta vijore se ponosno u štabu Ujedinjenih nacija.

    Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

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