Serbian Sentences About Marriage

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate resource for boosting your Serbian vocabulary with practical Serbian sentences related to marriage. Our curated list of 20 Serbian phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is designed to enhance your language skills at an intermediate Serbian level. Immerse yourself in the nuances of Serbian expressions and idioms on marriage while listening to native pronunciation. Whether you're planning to travel to Serbia or just passionate about learning the language, these sentences will equip you with the linguistic tools you need to discuss marital topics confidently. Start mastering marriage-related vocabulary and bridge the gap to fluency now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bila je deveruša na venčanju.

    She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.

  • Bili su u srećnoj bračnoj zajednici godinama.

    They were in happy wedlock for years.

  • Bio je srećno oženjen.

    He was happily married.

  • Brak plaši neke ljude.

    Marriage frightens some people.

  • Da li biste razmotrili da se udate za mene?

    Would you consider marrying me?

  • Džejn je ostala neudata do svoje četrdesete.

    Jane remained unmarried into her forties.

  • Ja ću se udati za tebe.

    I will marry you.

  • Ja sam oženjen brazilkom.

    I am married to a Brazilian woman.

  • Kako je prošao vaš medeni mesec?

    How was your honeymoon?

  • Koliko vremena provodite sa svojim supružnikom?

    How much time do you spend with your spouse?

  • Meri često zamišlja svoje venčanje.

    Mary often imagines her wedding.

  • Nevesta je bila sjajna.

    The bride was radiant.

  • Nevesta je izgledala prelepo u belom.

    The bride looked beautiful in white.

  • Nosio je venčani prsten od platine.

    He wears a platinum wedding ring.

  • Ona je bila njegova voljena žena godinama.

    She was his beloved wife for years.

  • Ona se udala u svojim tinejdžerskim godinama.

    She got married in her teens.

  • Oženio se stjuardesom.

    He married a stewardess.

  • Tom ima bračnih problema.

    Tom has marital problems.

  • Tom je imao tri neuspešna braka.

    Tom had three failed marriages.

  • Venčanja su skupa.

    Weddings are expensive.

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