Serbian Sentences About School

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate tool for expanding your Serbian vocabulary! Are you aiming to become more proficient in Serbian? Dive into our curated selection of 20 Serbian sentences centered around "School" to elevate your language skills to an intermediate level. Each sentence comes with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio to enhance your learning experience. Seamlessly integrate these Serbian phrases into your everyday conversation and improve your understanding of context and pronunciation. Whether you're a student or a language enthusiast, our platform is designed to help you master intermediate Serbian with ease and confidence. Start learning now and make your Serbian language journey both educational and enjoyable!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Serbian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bio je izbačen iz škole.

    He was expelled from school.

  • Direktor ima ovlašćenje u školi.

    The principal holds the authority in the school.

  • Idete u školu.

    You go to school.

  • Išli smo milju do škole.

    We walked a mile to school.

  • Kada sam bio u školi, zaista sam mrzeo pisanje eseja.

    When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.

  • Moje ocene su iznad proseka.

    My grades are above average.

  • Moji učenici su željno očekivali rezultate testa.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Moramo očistiti našu učionicu.

    We must clean our classroom.

  • Nastavnik prilazi polako učionici.

    The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.

  • Obuci se i idi u školu.

    Get dressed and go to school.

  • On je učio je za ispit.

    He was studying for the exam.

  • Ova škola nema grejanje.

    This school has no heating.

  • Pušenje nije dozvoljeno na času.

    Smoking is not permitted in class.

  • Sem je moj kolega iz biologije.

    Sam is my classmate in biology.

  • Shvatio sam šta je nastavnik objašnjavao.

    I caught on to what the teacher was explaining.

  • Škola počinje u 9 sati.

    School begins at 9 AM.

  • Školski domar uveče čisti fiskulturnu salu.

    The school custodian cleans the gym in the evening.

  • Tom uvek marljivo radi svoj školski zadatak.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Trudio sam se za dobru ocenu u školi.

    I worked hard for a good grade in school.

  • Učenici su imali neprijateljski stav prema nastavniku.

    The students had hostile attitudes toward the teacher.

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