Swedish Sentences About Law

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Enhance your Swedish vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Law" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensuring you grasp both pronunciation and meaning. By practicing these Swedish sentences, you'll master essential Swedish phrases related to legal contexts and boost your language skills significantly. Whether you're preparing for a test or simply want to improve your conversational Swedish, our resource is designed to make learning engaging and effective. Discover the best of intermediate Swedish learning with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Advokaten tvivlade på hans oskuld.

    The lawyer doubted his innocence.

  • Alla förtjänar rättvisa.

    Everyone deserves fair justice.

  • Att stjäla är olagligt.

    Stealing is illegal.

  • Denna handling utgör ett allvarligt brott.

    This action constitutes a serious offense.

  • Det är lagligt att rösta vid 18 års ålder.

    It is legal to vote at the age of 18.

  • Det brottet är straffbart med döden.

    That crime is punishable by death.

  • Domaren upphävde det tidigare beslutet.

    The judge overruled the previous decision.

  • Du får aldrig ta till våld.

    You must never resort to force.

  • Han åtalades för konspiration.

    He was charged with conspiracy.

  • Han blev ditsatt för mord.

    He was framed for murder.

  • Jag fick en böter.

    I got fined.

  • Kommer du att rapportera allt ärligt?

    Will you report everything truthfully?

  • Lagarna förpliktar alla medborgare till att betala skatt.

    The laws oblige all citizens to pay taxes.

  • Polisen hittade ett vapen på brottsplatsen.

    The officer found a weapon at the crime scene.

  • Polisen misstänkte hans rörelser.

    The police were suspicious of his movements.

  • Polisen samlade in bevis.

    The police gathered the evidence.

  • Riksdagen godkände den nya lagen förra veckan.

    Parliament approved the new law last week.

  • Testamentet förklarades ogiltigt av domstolen.

    The will was declared void by the court.

  • Varför anklagar du min son?

    Why do you accuse my son?

  • Vi måste meddela polisen.

    We have to notify the police.

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