Swedish Sentences About Making Plans

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Expand your Swedish vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about making plans in Swedish! Perfect for intermediate Swedish learners, this collection includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your language skills. Whether you're scheduling an appointment, planning a trip, or organizing an event, these practical Swedish sentences and phrases will boost your fluency and confidence. Dive in to master commonly used phrases that you'll encounter in everyday scenarios. Optimize your learning experience and swiftly navigate from intermediate Swedish to advanced proficiency with our engaging and interactive resources.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Swedish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Han bjuder alltid in sina vänner på middag.

    He always invites his friends for dinner.

  • Har vi en barnvakt för ikväll?

    Do we have a babysitter for tonight?

  • Hon har alltid en reservplan.

    She always has a backup plan.

  • Hon tänker spela tennis.

    She intends to play tennis.

  • Jag ger mig iväg precis nu.

    I am leaving right now.

  • Jag har en tidigare bokning.

    I have a previous appointment.

  • Jag har två biljetter till konserten.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • Jag ska bjuda honom på middag.

    I will invite him to dinner.

  • Kom tidigt imorgon.

    Come early tomorrow.

  • Mina planer för semestern är spännande.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • När kommer du att anlända till festen?

    When will you arrive at the party?

  • Processionen kommer att starta på det centrala torget.

    The procession will make its start at the central square.

  • Tom och Mary besökte norra Europa.

    Tom and Mary visited Northern Europe.

  • Vi avslutar layouten idag.

    We are finalizing the layout today.

  • Vi borde prata om våra planer.

    Let's talk about our plans.

  • Vi möts i köket.

    Let's meet in the kitchen.

  • Vi överväger alla för- och nackdelar innan vi bestämmer vad vi ska göra.

    We are considering all the pros and cons before deciding what we will do.

  • Vi ses kl 17 på eftermiddagen.

    Let's meet at 5 pm.

  • Vi ska fira min födelsedag nästa vecka.

    We will celebrate my birthday next week.

  • Vi ska träffas någon gång nästa vecka.

    We'll meet sometime next week.

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