Turkish Sentences About Technology

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Enhance your Turkish vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Turkish sentences about technology on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Turkish learners, these sentences are accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. Authentically crafted, they offer contextual insight into commonly used Turkish phrases, helping you advance your language skills effectively. Whether you're looking to expand your daily conversation or improve your comprehension, our collection of Turkish sentences is an invaluable resource. Dive in and start mastering intermediate Turkish vocabulary today! Explore our page to elevate your language learning journey with relevant, real-world technology terms in Turkish.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Turkish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • AI, Yapay Zeka anlamına gelir.

    AI means Artificial Intelligence.

  • Beta sürümünü test ediyoruz.

    We are testing the beta version.

  • Bilgi aktarımı kesintiye uğradı.

    The transmission of information was disrupted.

  • Bilgisayar hacklemeye karşı bir yasa olmalı.

    There should be a law against computer hacking.

  • Bunu kaydediyor musun?

    Are you recording this?

  • Bu otomat makinesi arızalı.

    This vending machine is out of order.

  • Bu programı indirir misin?

    Can you download this program?

  • Bu program sende yoksa hemen indirebilirsin.

    If you do not have this program, you can download it now.

  • Dört tane cep telefonu var.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • E-postayı gönder.

    Send the email.

  • Girdiğin şifre geçersiz.

    The password you have entered is invalid.

  • Karmaşık bilgisayarlar geliştirdiler.

    They have developed sophisticated computers.

  • Lütfen bir kumanda bağlayın.

    Please connect a controller.

  • Radyoyu antenini bağladılar mı?

    Have they connected the radio antenna?

  • Robotlar tehlikeli koşullara dayanabilir.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • Sam kulaklıklarıyla gürültüyü bastırdı.

    Sam drowned out the noise with his headphones.

  • Teknoloji için şükrediyorum.

    I am thankful for technology.

  • Tom bir fotoğraf makinesi ve bir tripod satın aldı.

    Tom bought a camera and a tripod.

  • Veritabanı bu alan için sıfır değeri verdi.

    The database returned a null value for that field.

  • Yeni konfigürasyon, sistemi geliştirdi.

    The new configuration improved the system.

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