Ukrainian Sentences About At the Airport / Flying

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Welcome to our curated collection of "At the Airport / Flying" themed sentences designed to enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary. Master intermediate Ukrainian by engaging with our text-to-speech audio resources, which bring 20 practical Ukrainian sentences to life. Perfect for travelers and language enthusiasts, our page provides essential Ukrainian phrases with English translations to boost your confidence in navigating airport scenarios. Whether you're checking in, boarding a flight, or making your way through immigration, our handpicked expressions will prepare you for a smooth experience. Dive into the realm of Ukrainian language learning and let your proficiency take flight with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Аеропорт є великим траспортним вузлом.

    The airport is a major hub.

  • Бортпровідники розносили їжу.

    The flight attendants served the meals.

  • Де ваші валізи?

    Where are your suitcases?

  • Експерт з авіації детально проаналізував статистику.

    The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

  • Літак збільшив швидкість.

    The plane increased speed.

  • Літак летів дуже низько.

    The airplane flew very low.

  • Літак приземлився без проблем.

    The plane landed without a problem.

  • Мій багаж загубився.

    My luggage got lost.

  • Над хмарами, пілот відчував свободу без кордонів.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • Наркодилера затримали в аеропорту.

    The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport.

  • Пасажири рознервувалися, коли літак почав вібрувати.

    Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate.

  • Прибуття літака до Гонолулу заплановано завтра вранці.

    The airplane is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu tomorrow morning.

  • Приватний літак приземлився вчасно.

    The private jet landed on time.

  • Стюардеса розпочала оголошення.

    The flight attendant began the announcements.

  • Том - пілот.

    Tom is a pilot.

  • Том пристебнув свій ремінь безпеки.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • У вас є паспорт?

    Do you have a passport?

  • У цей аеропорт легко дістатись автобусом.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Чи можу я побачити ваше посвідчення, будь ласка?

    Can I see your ID, please?

  • Я ненавиджу літати вночі.

    I hate flying at night.

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