Ukrainian Sentences About At the Doctor

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Elevate your Ukrainian vocabulary with our engaging "At the Doctor" language collection. Designed for intermediate Ukrainian learners, this page features 20 essential Ukrainian sentences complete with English translations, to confidently navigate a medical setting. Listen and learn with our state-of-the-art text-to-speech audio, which brings each Ukrainian phrase to life. Mastering these key expressions will not only expand your Ukrainian vocabulary but also equip you with practical language skills for real-life conversations. Dive into the world of Ukrainian phrases and sentences, perfect your pronunciation, and take a significant step towards fluency. Start practicing now and become comfortable with healthcare-related Ukrainian communication.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ви повинні прийняти цей сироп від кашлю.

    You must take this cough syrup.

  • Він відвідує медичні конференції.

    He attends medical conferences.

  • Він страждав від хвороби, яка вплинула на його легені.

    He suffered from a disease that affected his lungs.

  • Лікар виконав операцію.

    The doctor performed the operation.

  • Лікар вилікував його хворобу.

    The doctor cured his illness.

  • Лікар виписує вас завтра.

    The doctor will discharge you tomorrow.

  • Лікар виявився шарлатаном.

    The doctor turned out to be a quack.

  • Лікар прийшов одразу ж.

    The doctor came immediately.

  • Лікар рекомендував фізичну активність.

    The doctor recommended physical activity.

  • Лягайте на стіл для обстежень.

    Lie down on the examination table.

  • Мені діагностували пневмонію.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

  • Мені потрібно записатися на прийом до стоматолога.

    I need to make an appointment with the dentist.

  • Мій лікар має відмінну манеру спілкування з пацієнтами.

    My doctor has an excellent bedside manner.

  • Стоматолог свердлить зуб.

    The dentist is drilling into the tooth.

  • Том лікує пацієнта.

    Tom is treating a patient.

  • Том мусив зробити щеплення від холери.

    Tom had to get a cholera shot.

  • Чи залишиться у мене шрам?

    Will I have a scar?

  • Які симптоми?

    What are the symptoms?

  • Якщо у вас є медичний сертифікат, принесіть його.

    If you have a medical certificate, bring it.

  • Я отримав укус бджоли.

    I got a bee sting.

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