Ukrainian Sentences About Communication

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Master your Ukrainian vocabulary and enhance your communication skills with Clozemaster's comprehensive collection of Ukrainian sentences. Targeted for intermediate Ukrainian learners, our curated list offers 20 essential sentences focused on the art of communication, complete with English translations. Each Ukrainian phrase is equipped with text-to-speech audio, enabling you to listen and perfect your pronunciation. These interactive sentences are designed to help you grasp the nuances of daily conversation and enrich your linguistic arsenal. Dive into the richness of Ukrainian culture by confidently communicating with native speakers. Start learning today and take a giant leap towards fluency with our valuable Ukrainian vocabulary resource at Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Він виголосив промову.

    He delivered a speech.

  • Він заперечує, що робив це.

    He denies having done it.

  • Він запитав про деталі угоди.

    He asked for the particulars of the deal.

  • Він збирав шматочки інформації.

    He collected bits of information.

  • Він прочитав листа, який вона надіслала йому.

    He read the letter she mailed to him.

  • Вона здається байдужою до моїх пропозицій.

    She seems indifferent to my suggestions.

  • Вона передала мені пачку листів.

    She handed me a bundle of letters.

  • Екстремісти відмовились вести переговори.

    The extremists refused to negotiate.

  • Його секретарка заперечила злив інформації.

    His secretary denied leaking the information.

  • Коли це сталося?

    When did this occur?

  • Музика - це універсальна мова.

    Music is a universal language.

  • Не бійтеся помилитися.

    Don't be afraid to fail.

  • Нікому не подобаються неввічливі продавці.

    Nobody likes impolite salesmen.

  • Ситуація радикально змінилася.

    The situation has changed dramatically.

  • Слухай, як він хропе.

    Listen to how he snores.

  • Том буде хвалитись своїм новим автомобілем.

    Tom will boast about his new car.

  • Чи можете ви записати свої запитання у письмовій формі?

    Will you put your questions in written form?

  • Чому ти такий загадковий?

    Why are you being so secretive?

  • Я купив новий телефон.

    I bought a new phone.

  • Я написав це.

    I wrote it.

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