Ukrainian Sentences About Compliments

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Welcome to our language learning hub, where you can enhance your Ukrainian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Ukrainian sentences focused on "Compliments". Perfect for intermediate Ukrainian learners, this collection not only provides authentic Ukrainian phrases but also includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure accurate pronunciation and understanding. Dive into the nuances of giving compliments in Ukrainian and start impressing native speakers with your polished communication skills. Whether you're aiming to expand your lexicon or practice everyday conversations, our resource is your go-to for mastering those charming Ukrainian expressions.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ваш будинок чудовий.

    Your house is fantastic.

  • Ваше розуміння дуже цінується.

    Your understanding is much appreciated.

  • Ваші слова були як зелений луг взимку.

    Your sentences were like a green meadow in winter.

  • Ви приємна людина.

    You are a nice person.

  • Він - добрий чоловік.

    He is a kind man.

  • Він чудово грає на скрипці.

    He plays the violin beautifully.

  • Вона найпривітніша сусідка.

    She is a most gracious neighbor.

  • Її краса є неперевершеною.

    Her beauty is incomparable.

  • Її краса справді зачаровує.

    Her beauty is genuinely captivating.

  • Їхній вчитель похвалив їх.

    Their teacher praised them.

  • Його останній витвір – шедевр.

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • Кіт чарівний.

    The cat is adorable.

  • Кукі - наймиліший з усіх собак.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Мій старший брат дуже мудрий.

    My elder brother is very wise.

  • Та сукня дуже личить їй.

    That dress is very flattering on her.

  • Творці шоу талановиті.

    The creators of the show are talented.

  • Том - добре вихований джентльмен.

    Tom is a well-mannered gentleman.

  • Це була найбільш романтична вечеря в моєму житті.

    That was the most romantic dinner I've ever had.

  • Це найкращий шоколадний мус, який коли-небудь їли мої гості.

    This is the best chocolate mousse that my guests have ever eaten.

  • Чую, що ваш бізнес процвітає.

    Your business is flourishing, I hear.

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