Ukrainian Sentences About Describing Places

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Welcome to our dedicated resource for intermediate Ukrainian learners aiming to expand their Ukrainian vocabulary! Our curated list of 20 practical Ukrainian sentences focused on "Describing Places" comes with accurate English translations and text-to-speech audio to enhance your learning experience. Each phrase has been carefully selected to help you grasp the subtleties of Ukrainian descriptions. Immerse yourself in the language by practicing with these authentic Ukrainian phrases that will significantly improve your ability to talk about various places in everyday conversations. Get ready to take a significant step forward in your journey to becoming fluent with these valuable Ukrainian sentence examples!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Аеродром на острові зараз зарослий бур'янами.

    The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.

  • Американські кухні значно більші, ніж японські.

    American kitchens are much bigger than Japanese ones.

  • Він живе в селі.

    He lives in a village.

  • Вони живуть у гарному районі.

    They live in a nice neighborhood.

  • Вони живуть у передмісті.

    They live in the suburbs.

  • Дивлячись на острів здалеку, він був схожий на хмару.

    Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

  • Дороги вибоїсті.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Ми орендували затишну хатинку в горах.

    We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains.

  • Мій дім великий.

    My house is big.

  • Навколо було дуже тихо.

    The surrounding area was very quiet.

  • Пам'ятки в Римі захоплюють дух.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Подивись навколо себе.

    Look around you.

  • Театр пустий.

    The theater is empty.

  • Тепер ми бачимо інтер'єр замку.

    Now, we see the interior of the castle.

  • У парку тінисто.

    The park is shady.

  • Це найглибше озеро в Японії.

    This is the deepest lake in Japan.

  • Церква оточена лісами та озерами.

    The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

  • Чилійська кухня досить унікальна.

    The Chilean cuisine is rather unique.

  • Яке гарне місце!

    What a beautiful place!

  • Які вузькі сходи!

    What narrow stairs!

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