Ukrainian Sentences About Emergencies

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your ultimate resource for expanding your Ukrainian vocabulary! Dive into our list of carefully selected Ukrainian sentences that deal specifically with emergencies. Perfect for intermediate Ukrainian learners, our collection offers text-to-speech audio to ensure your pronunciation is as sharp as your comprehension. With English translations for each, you'll master essential Ukrainian phrases that are crucial in urgent situations. Strengthen your language skills and prepare yourself to handle any emergency scenario with confidence. Start now and become proficient in the vital vocabulary needed to communicate effectively in Ukrainian during emergencies.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Аварія спричинила багато смертей.

    The accident has caused many deaths.

  • Будь ласка, викличте пожежну службу.

    Please call the fire department.

  • Вони врятували його від небезпеки.

    They rescued him from danger.

  • Гальма зникли!

    The brakes are gone!

  • Готуйтеся до удару.

    Brace yourselves for impact.

  • Дивом, жоден з них не загинув.

    Miraculously, none of them died.

  • Затикни той витік!

    Plug up that leak!

  • Його автомобіль врізався в дерево.

    His car crashed into the tree.

  • Лісова пожежа знищила їхній дім.

    The wildfire destroyed their home.

  • Людей евакуювали через повінь.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Минулої ночі у нас був землетрус.

    We had an earthquake last night.

  • Ми повідомили, що він зник.

    We reported him missing.

  • Місто вчора пережило масштабний блекаут.

    The city experienced a massive blackout yesterday.

  • Пацієнт у лікарні мав сильно кровотечу.

    The hospital patient was hemorrhaging badly.

  • Пожежа почалася в лазні.

    The fire started in the bathhouse.

  • Телефонуйте в поліцію.

    Call the cops.

  • Той пристрій був рятівником.

    That device was a lifesaver.

  • Том схопив ліхтарик.

    Tom grabbed a flashlight.

  • У пустелі знайшли уламки літака.

    The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert.

  • Чи є вцілілі?

    Are there survivors?

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