Ukrainian Sentences About Family

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Welcome to our dedicated page for learners eager to build their Ukrainian vocabulary on the theme of "Family". Here, we present 20 invaluable Ukrainian sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and their English translations, crafted to aid intermediate Ukrainian learners in mastering essential phrases. Whether you're studying for personal enrichment or to connect more deeply with family members, our carefully curated sentences will enhance your understanding and fluency. Immerse yourself in the Ukrainian language and cultural nuances as you listen, repeat, and practice these familial expressions – your indispensable toolkit for navigating Ukrainian conversations with confidence.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Він пов'язаний з королівською родиною.

    He is related to the royal family.

  • Він помилково прийняв мене за мою матір.

    He mistook me for my mother.

  • Він представив мене своєму братові.

    He presented me to his brother.

  • Вона вирішила стати сурогатною матір'ю.

    She chose to be a surrogate mother.

  • Вона дуже любить свого сина.

    She loves her son dearly.

  • Дитина почала стрибати.

    The child began to jump.

  • Дівчинка схожа на свою матір.

    The girl resembled her mother.

  • Дітей залишили напризволяще.

    The children were left to fend for themselves.

  • Мачуха була суворою до неї.

    The stepmother was hard on her.

  • Ми усиновили дитину.

    We adopted a child.

  • Моя бабуся - діабетик.

    My grandmother is a diabetic patient.

  • Моя молодша сестра завжди намагається вивести мене з себе, але їй ніколи не вдається.

    My little sister always tries to get a rise out of me but never succeeds.

  • Том має бороду, як і його батько, дідусі та брати.

    Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfathers, and brothers do.

  • У них була лише одна дитина.

    They had only one child.

  • Що відчужило його від сестри?

    What has estranged him from his sister?

  • Як ваші бабуся і дідусь?

    How are your grandparents?

  • Я люблю свого сина.

    I love my son.

  • Я люблю свого тата.

    I love my dad.

  • Я ніколи не відвідую мою сестру.

    I never visit my sister.

  • Я подарував своєму татові бубен в подарунок.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

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