Ukrainian Sentences About Marriage

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Master your Ukrainian vocabulary on the topic of marriage with Clozemaster! Our curated collection of 20 Ukrainian sentences about marriage comes with text-to-speech audio, providing an immersive learning experience. Accompanied by English translations, these phrases are perfect for intermediate Ukrainian learners eager to enhance their language skills. Whether you're preparing for a Ukrainian wedding or simply expanding your cultural knowledge, our interactive platform makes it easy to grasp key Ukrainian vocabulary and phrases. Dive into the beautiful world of marriage-related dialogue and take your Ukrainian proficiency to the next level with Clozemaster's engaging language games!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Ukrainian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Весілля є дорогими.

    Weddings are expensive.

  • Він носить обручку з платини.

    He wears a platinum wedding ring.

  • Він одружився з стюардесою.

    He married a stewardess.

  • Вона була дружкою на весіллі.

    She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.

  • Вона була його коханою дружиною роками.

    She was his beloved wife for years.

  • Вона вже десяток років заміжня за ним.

    She has been married to him for a decade now.

  • Вона вийшла заміж у підлітковому віці.

    She got married in her teens.

  • Вони були у щасливому шлюбі роками.

    They were in happy wedlock for years.

  • Джейн залишалася незаміжньою у свої сорок.

    Jane remained unmarried into her forties.

  • Мері часто уявляє своє весілля.

    Mary often imagines her wedding.

  • Моя дружина хотіла усиновити дитину.

    My wife wanted to adopt a child.

  • Наречена була чарівною.

    The bride was radiant.

  • Наречена виглядала прекрасно у білому.

    The bride looked beautiful in white.

  • Сім'я нареченої надала щедре придане.

    The bride's family provided a generous dowry.

  • Скільки часу ви проводите зі своїм чоловіком?

    How much time do you spend with your spouse?

  • Том був одружений, коли повернувся.

    Tom was wed when he returned.

  • Ця наречена прикриває обличчя фатою.

    This bride is covering her face with a veil.

  • Чи не могли б ви розглянути можливість одруження зі мною?

    Would you consider marrying me?

  • Шлюб лякає деяких людей.

    Marriage frightens some people.

  • Як пройшов ваш медовий місяць?

    How was your honeymoon?

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