This list shows Czech sentences with English translations for the 100 most common words used as the missing word for the Fluency Fast Track on Clozemaster.

Clozemaster is a game to learn language in context. It shows you a sentence missing a word, and the challenge is to fill in the correct word from context. The Fluency Fast Track shows one sentence per missing word in order of difficulty.

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1. nevím Nevím.
Dunno., I have no idea., I don't know.
2. ahoj Ahoj!
Hi!, Good morning., How do you do., Hello., Good day!, Hey., Hi., Good afternoon., Welcome., Hello!
3. chceš Co chceš?
What do you want?
4. on On už tady není.
He is no longer here.
5. On .
He's eating., He is eating.
6. hej Hej, jsi tady ještě?
Hello? Are you still there?, Hello? Are you still here?
7. máme Tady je máme.
Here they come.
8. pak A co pak?
So?, Yeah, and?, Then what?, So what?
9. díky Díky!
Thanks., Thank you!, Thanks!, Thank you.
10. pořádku V pořádku.
Alright., It's OK., All right.
11. musím Proč tu musím být?
Why do I have to be here?
12. dobrý Tom v tom byl dobrý.
Tom was good at that.
13. všichni Ahoj všichni!
Hello all!, Hello everyone!
14. budu Víš, kde budu.
You know where I'll be.
15. řekl Co řekl?
What did he say?
16. opravdu Je to opravdu Tom?
Is that really Tom?
17. jít Chci jít.
I wanna go., I want to go.
18. říct Máš co říct?
Do you have anything to say?
19. pojď Pojď sem.
Come here!, Come here.
20. někdo Je tu někdo?
Is there anyone here?
21. tomu Máš k tomu co říct?
Do you have anything to say regarding this?, Do you have anything to say in connection with this?
22. máte Co máte?
What do you guys have?
23. rád Ty to rád?
Like it?
24. myslíš Nevím, co myslíš.
I don't understand what you mean., I don't get what you mean., I don't know what you mean.
25. trochu Ještě trochu?
A little more?
26. mít Já to musím mít.
I must have this., They need me.
27. den Dobrý den.
Good afternoon!, Morning!, Good morning., Good day!, Hello!, Good morning!, Good afternoon.
28. dělat Co teď mám dělat?
Now, what am I supposed to do?
29. všechny Jste všechny v pořádku?
Are you guys OK?
30. chtěl Co chtěl?
What did he want?
31. bys Měl bys jít.
You should go., You had better go.
32. musíme Musíme jít.
We must go.
33. mnou Pojď se mnou, dobře?
Come with me, will you?
34. budeš Budeš tam?
Will you be there?
35. děkuji Děkuji.
Thanks., Thank you., Thanks!, Thank you!
36. víc Je toho víc.
There is more.
37. dnes Dnes je můj den.
I'm lucky today.
38. nemůžu Víš, že nemůžu.
You know I can't.
39. tvůj Je tvůj?
Is it yours?
40. pořád Jsem pořád tady.
I'm still right here.
41. stalo Co se stalo?
What has happened?, What's happened?, What's the matter?, What happened?
42. můžu Můžu jít.
I can go.
43. nikdo Řekl jsem, že tu nikdo není.
I said there's no one here.
44. tebou Mám jít s tebou?
Should I come with you?, Do you want me to go with you?, Shall I go together with you?
45. jde Kde jde?
Where was she going?
46. jeden Chtěl bys jeden?
Would you like one?
47. kdy Kdy tady mám být?
What time do you want me to be here?
48. udělat Mohl to udělat.
He could do it.
49. sakra Kdo sakra jsi?
Who on earth are you?, Who the hell are you?
50. čas Čas mám.
I've got time., I have time.
51. bez Co mám bez tebe dělat?
What would I do without you?
52. prostě Prostě nevím, co říct.
I just don't know what to say.
53. Co s bude?
What will happen to her?
54. vážně Vážně se to stalo?
Did it actually happen?
55. hned Musím jít hned?
Do I have to go right now?
56. děláš Co děláš?
What've you been doing?, What're you doing?, What are you up to?, What do you make?, What are you doing now?, What do you do?, What are you doing?
57. dost dost!
Enough already!
58. může Může být.
It may be.
59. musí Tak to musí být.
That's how it has to be.
60. říkal Co říkal?
What did he say?
61. víte Víte toho dost.
You know enough.
62. kam Kam?
63. jasně Jasně že ano!
Of course yes!
64. musíš Musíš jít.
You need to go., You need to leave., You must go., You have to go., You've got to go.
65. tvoje Je to tvoje?
Is this yours?, Is it yours?
66. další Kdo je další?
Who's next?, Who is next?
67. lidi Co je to za lidi?
Who are those people?
68. podívej Podívej se.
Have a look.
69. děje Co se děje?
What's happening?, What is happening?
70. budeme Co budeme dělat?
What are we gonna do???
71. nechci Nechci.
I don't want to.
72. dej Dej mi další.
Give me the next one.
73. nemám Nemám to.
I don't have it.
74. jdeme Jdeme na to!
Let's do it!, Let's do it.
75. vůbec Co je ti vůbec do toho?
Why do you even care?
76. udělal Už to udělal.
He already did that.
77. nejsem Nejsem ten, kdo si myslíš že jsem.
I'm not who you think I am.
78. ona Kde je ona?
Where is she?
79. hodně Mám tě hodně rád.
I like you very much!, I like you very much.
80. zpátky Hned jsem zpátky.
I'll be back in a moment., I'll be back right away., I'll come back soon., I'll be right back., I'll be back soon., I will be back soon.
81. sám On je sám.
He is alone.
82. chce Tom má to, co chce.
Tom has what he wants.
83. první Kdo je první?
Who's first?
84. počkej Prostě tam na mě počkej.
Just wait for me there.
85. chcete Co chcete?
What do you want?
86. byli My tam byli.
We were there.
87. pravdu Mám pravdu?
Am I correct?, Am I right?
88. dlouho Jak dlouho?
How long?
89. viděl Viděl jsem ho.
I saw him.
90. domů Chci domů.
I want to do something in a house., I want to be at home.
91. jednou To jsi jednou udělal.
You did that once.
92. peníze peníze?
Does he have money?
93. řekni Řekni to.
Say it.
94. byste Co byste udělal vy?
What would you do?
95. práci Mám rád práci.
I like to work., I like working.
96. vždycky Vždycky to tak bylo.
That has always been so., It's always been like that., It's always been that way., This is always the way it has been.
97. zase Máš zase pravdu.
You're right again.
98. přesně Přesně tak mi bylo.
I was just like that.
99. rychle Rychle!
Quick!, Hurry!
100. dobré Jsou dobré.
They're good., They're nice.

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