This list shows Mandarin Chinese sentences with English translations for the 100 most common words used as the missing word for the Fluency Fast Track on Clozemaster.

Clozemaster is a game to learn language in context. It shows you a sentence missing a word, and the challenge is to fill in the correct word from context. The Fluency Fast Track shows one sentence per missing word in order of difficulty.

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1. 现在几?10
"What time is it now?" "It's 10 o'clock."
2. 可能 今天很可能会下雨。
It is likely to rain today.
3. 喜欢 喜欢你。
I like you.
4. 我直到我来。
He waited for me until I arrived.
5. 但是 我敲门,但是没有人回应。
I knocked on the door, but nobody answered.
6. 如果了你的车,你会介意吗?
Would you mind if I used your car?
7. 我希望不久以后你能好起来。
I hope you will be quite well again before long.
8. 树上爬下来。
Ken climbed down from the tree.
9. 所以 因为太闹,所以我睡不着觉。
I can't sleep because of the noise.
10. 雨会多久?
How long will this rain go on?
11. 东西 这个东西是你的吗?
Is that thing yours?
12. 觉得 我一整天都觉得很消沉。
I was feeling blue all day.
13. 时候 你是什么时候来的?
When did you get here?
14. 他是个有的青年。
He is a promising young man., He is a promising youth.
15. 我在週前到了。
I arrived two weeks ago.
16. 日本办过多少奥运会?
How many times has Japan hosted the Olympics?
17. 跟我来。
Come along with me.
18. 一下 不好意思,我失陪一下
Will you excuse me for just a moment?
19. 一起 你想和我们一起吃吗?
Would you like to eat with us?
20. 我来付账。
I'll pay the bill.
21. 那辆车是三辆之中漂亮的。
That car is the most beautiful of the three.
22. 这些是我的书,那些是他的书。
These are my books, and those are his books.
23. 孩子 恩,他有孩子吗?
En, Does he have any children?
24. 我们在午餐。
We are having lunch.
25. 不知道人每晚睡两个小时,能不能生存下去呢?
I wonder whether man could live with only two hours' sleep a night.
26. 应该 孩子们在旁边的时候,你不应该说那种事。
You shouldn't say that kind of thing when children are around.
27. 现在中午。
It is just noon.
28. 他在一个村庄裡长大。
He grew up in a little village.
29. 你应该努力学习英语。
You should study English harder.
30. 生于尼泊尔的一个偏远小山村。
She was born in a remote village in Nepal.
31. 上了我吗?
You've fallen in love with me?
32. 多点铅笔来。
Please get a lot of pencils.
33. 我恳求了。
I beg you.
34. 密西西比在
Where is Mississippi?
35. 在家一样。
Make yourself at home.
36. 她帮她爸爸了花园里的活。
She helped her father with the work in the garden.
37. ,你!你在干什麽?
Hey, you! What are you doing?
38. 工作 这份工作没什么挑战性。
I don't get enough challenge in this job.
39. 所有 几乎所有的工作都完成了。
Almost all the work is done now.
40. 问题 他问了我两个问题
He asked me two questions.
41. 时间 他充分利用了剩余的时间
He made the best of the time left.
42. 你别唬我
Stop trying to play me for a fool!
43. 包里没了。
There was no money left in my wallet.
44. 我会他跟我一起去医院。
I'll take him with me to the hospital.
45. 还是 在中国乡村和工业区,有的人还是很穷的。
In China's agricultural and industrial areas, some people are still very poor.
46. 一样 它冷得像冰一样
It's as cold as ice.
47. 你什么时候意大利?
When will you come back to Italy?
48. 开始 开始流血了。
I'm starting to bleed.
49. 吸烟的人请病假的日数不吸烟的人多两倍。
Smokers take twice as many days off sick as non-smokers.
50. 朋友 我遇见一个朋友
I met a friend.
51. 你到底怎么回事
What is the matter with you?, What is wrong with you?, What has happened to you?
52. 然后 狄马一晚和二十五个男人睡了觉,然后就把他们杀掉了。
Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them.
53. 那个经人住在一座老房子里。
The young man lives in an old house.
54. 希望 每个人都希望她会获胜。
Everyone hoped that she would win.
55. 地方 我今晚没地方睡觉。
I have no place to sleep tonight., I've nowhere to sleep tonight.
56. 一定 我为什么一定要那么做?
Why do I have to do that?
57. 今天 今天是个阴天。
Today is a cloudy day.
58. 麻烦你叫我起床吃早餐
Please wake me for breakfast.
59. 一切 告诉我们一切
Tell us everything.
60. 相信 相信她吗?
Do you trust her?
61. 事情 我不喜欢让事情悬而未决。
I don't like to leave things up in the air.
62. 当然 你一错再错,当然会被处罚。
You do such a thing once too often and get punished.
63. 一直 一直在找你。
I've been looking for you.
64. 起来 请包起来
Please wrap it up.
65. 他慢慢把自己的名字再说了一遍。
He repeated his name slowly.
66. 爸爸 顽皮的小男孩爱他的爸爸
The mischievous son loved his dad.
67. 非常 非常喜欢你。
I like you very much.
68. 他告诉我她不会跟他说出他看到我讲关于一名女孩被的故事的那天我发生的事。
He told me that she will not tell him what happened to me on the day he saw me talking about the story about the girl who got killed.
69. 离开 他八岁时离开了他的父母。
He left his parents when he was eight years old.
70. 明白 直到我自己有了孩子我才明白了什么是母爱。
It was not until I had a baby myself that I knew what mother's love is.
71. 妈妈 妈妈周日烤曲奇。
Mother bakes cookies on Sundays.
72. 你好 你好
Hello!, Hi.
73. 我会继续进。
I will go on ahead.
74. 玛丽是姐妹中的老幺。
Mary is the youngest of the three sisters.
75. 发生 我希望那会发生
I'm hoping that will happen.
76. 对不起 对不起,我不会去。
Sorry I won't be there.
77. 认为 这被认为是一件大事。
This is considered to be a matter of great importance.
78. 我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身人祈求的明日。
I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.
79. 必须 必须吃什麽?
What did you have to eat?
80. 抱歉 抱歉,我没钱。
Sorry, I don't have any money.
81. 约翰在纽约。
John lives in New York.
82. 也许 也许我会去,也许我不会。
Maybe I'll go, and maybe I won't.
All right., Okay.
84. 意思 这个字的意思是什麽?
What is the meaning of this word?
85. 熨烫领子的里面,然后是外面。
Iron the inside of collars first, and then the outside.
86. 上周日妈妈给我买了漂亮的衣服。
My mother bought me a pretty dress this past Sunday.
87. 大家 大家好吗?
How is everyone?
88. 准备 你们都准备好了吗?
Are you all ready?
89. 他不知道《罗密欧朱丽叶》是莎士比亚写的。
He didn't know Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
90. 没有共产党就没有中国
There would be no New China without the communist party.
91. 非常感谢你做的一切。
I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me.
92. 我想他的电话号码是多少。
I want to ask him for his phone number., I want to ask what his phone number is.
93. 出去 出去
Get out!
94. 你想出去几杯或吃个饭吗?
Would you like to go for a drink or something to eat?
95. 他唱了老歌。
He sang some old songs.
96. 不过 她是外国人,不过她中文说得非常好。
She’s a foreigner, but speaks Chinese excellently.
97. 生活 今日的生活是迅息万变和複杂的。
Life today is fast-moving and complex.
98. 任何 他昨天没有吃任何东西。
He did not eat anything yesterday.
99. 为了 建造这堵墙是为了把人隔在外面还是把他们留在里面?
Was this wall built to keep people out or to keep them in?
100. 只有 只有四匹马参加了比赛。
Only four horses participated in the competition.

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