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Streak: 0 days
Level: 748
Score: 56,091,216
Playing: 1,048,380 sentences
Mastered: 282,271 sentences
Ranked: 3rd overall
Ranked: N/A this week
  • Português / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 428
    Score: 18,332,762
    Playing 98,715 sentences
    Mastered 73,239 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Italiano / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 322
    Score: 10,432,394
    Playing 111,201 sentences
    Mastered 30,631 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Português / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 201
    Score: 4,077,920
    Playing 121,414 sentences
    Mastered 41,345 sentences
    Ranked: 8th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 200
    Score: 4,004,488
    Playing 132,288 sentences
    Mastered 15,602 sentences
    Ranked: 28th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Svenska / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 187
    Score: 2,769,662
    Playing 40,817 sentences
    Mastered 21,894 sentences
    Ranked: 6th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Português / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 177
    Score: 2,062,970
    Playing 65,715 sentences
    Mastered 37,617 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Italiano / Português
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 177
    Score: 2,014,664
    Playing 87,255 sentences
    Mastered 15,720 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Català / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 166
    Score: 1,446,516
    Playing 7,255 sentences
    Mastered 7,255 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • English / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 161
    Score: 1,232,986
    Playing 114,414 sentences
    Mastered 658 sentences
    Ranked: 13th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Català / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 159
    Score: 1,165,738
    Playing 5,236 sentences
    Mastered 3,808 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Galego / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 158
    Score: 1,143,000
    Playing 3,957 sentences
    Mastered 3,957 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Svenska / Português
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 157
    Score: 1,122,034
    Playing 14,235 sentences
    Mastered 9,165 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Svenska / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 157
    Score: 1,111,630
    Playing 19,315 sentences
    Mastered 12,630 sentences
    Ranked: 2nd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Galego / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 157
    Score: 1,095,000
    Playing 3,225 sentences
    Mastered 3,225 sentences
    Ranked: 1st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 142
    Score: 689,502
    Playing 37,375 sentences
    Mastered 3,442 sentences
    Ranked: 110th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • English / Português
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 125
    Score: 404,072
    Playing 89,709 sentences
    Mastered 48 sentences
    Ranked: 42nd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • English / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 124
    Score: 400,694
    Playing 86,344 sentences
    Mastered 63 sentences
    Ranked: 15th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / Español
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 89
    Score: 122,704
    Playing 3,485 sentences
    Mastered 856 sentences
    Ranked: 28th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / Português
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 87
    Score: 116,992
    Playing 3,137 sentences
    Mastered 579 sentences
    Ranked: 6th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 87
    Score: 115,924
    Playing 3,288 sentences
    Mastered 537 sentences
    Ranked: 12th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week

Followers (160)

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