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Streak: 43 days
Level: 198
Score: 3,839,238
Playing: 19,704 sentences
Mastered: 18,822 sentences
Ranked: 326th overall
Ranked: 264th this week
  • Deutsch / Español
    Streak: 43 days
    Level: 172
    Score: 1,775,780
    Playing 9,615 sentences
    Mastered 9,192 sentences
    Ranked: 6th overall
    Ranked: 5th this week
  • Italiano / Deutsch
    Streak: 43 days
    Level: 102
    Score: 194,656
    Playing 2,442 sentences
    Mastered 2,119 sentences
    Ranked: 17th overall
    Ranked: 3rd this week
  • Italiano / Español
    Streak: 43 days
    Level: 174
    Score: 1,869,038
    Playing 7,647 sentences
    Mastered 7,511 sentences
    Ranked: 6th overall
    Ranked: 3rd this week

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Xicohtencatl, josepa

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