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Streak: 0 days
Level: 187
Score: 2,740,540
Playing: 33,752 sentences
Mastered: 23,516 sentences
Ranked: 537th overall
Ranked: N/A this week
  • 한국어 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 45
    Score: 22,684
    Playing 753 sentences
    Mastered 168 sentences
    Ranked: 356th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 145
    Score: 770,796
    Playing 8,007 sentences
    Mastered 6,544 sentences
    Ranked: 251st overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Deutsch / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 145
    Score: 772,838
    Playing 7,323 sentences
    Mastered 6,412 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Español / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 107
    Score: 225,860
    Playing 2,588 sentences
    Mastered 1,700 sentences
    Ranked: 1,032nd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Español / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 49
    Score: 27,144
    Playing 793 sentences
    Mastered 9 sentences
    Ranked: 63rd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 85
    Score: 107,448
    Playing 1,385 sentences
    Mastered 842 sentences
    Ranked: 1,178th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Latina / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 101
    Score: 188,264
    Playing 1,995 sentences
    Mastered 1,414 sentences
    Ranked: 58th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Nederlands / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 36
    Score: 14,904
    Playing 509 sentences
    Mastered 173 sentences
    Ranked: 973rd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Română / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 30
    Score: 10,616
    Playing 436 sentences
    Mastered 124 sentences
    Ranked: 420th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / Deutsch
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 0
    Score: 40
    Playing 5 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 985th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 91
    Score: 132,648
    Playing 848 sentences
    Mastered 645 sentences
    Ranked: 512th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Русский / Italiano
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 90
    Score: 130,304
    Playing 1,323 sentences
    Mastered 381 sentences
    Ranked: 9th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 中文 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 63
    Score: 48,850
    Playing 1,384 sentences
    Mastered 629 sentences
    Ranked: 560th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 中文 (Traditional) / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 46
    Score: 23,556
    Playing 586 sentences
    Mastered 199 sentences
    Ranked: 96th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 廣東話 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 39
    Score: 16,740
    Playing 569 sentences
    Mastered 254 sentences
    Ranked: 124th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 日本語 / Deutsch
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 29
    Score: 10,252
    Playing 452 sentences
    Mastered 10 sentences
    Ranked: 16th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 日本語 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 108
    Score: 237,196
    Playing 4,796 sentences
    Mastered 4,012 sentences
    Ranked: 183rd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week

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Marziotta, wanheim, blueowl96

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