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Streak: 725 days
Level: 189
Score: 2,910,844
Playing: 17,698 sentences
Mastered: 11,366 sentences
Ranked: 504th overall
Ranked: 809th this week
  • 한국어 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 7
    Score: 1,380
    Playing 43 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 2,332nd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Español / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 106
    Score: 218,378
    Playing 1,100 sentences
    Mastered 1,074 sentences
    Ranked: 1,062nd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 97
    Score: 165,214
    Playing 865 sentences
    Mastered 819 sentences
    Ranked: 820th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Latina / English
    Streak: 725 days
    Level: 183
    Score: 2,443,476
    Playing 14,600 sentences
    Mastered 8,615 sentences
    Ranked: 9th overall
    Ranked: 5th this week
  • Magyar / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 77
    Score: 82,244
    Playing 1,060 sentences
    Mastered 858 sentences
    Ranked: 126th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • 日本語 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 1
    Score: 120
    Playing 30 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 18,275th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week

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Vinicius_Maria, minerva, gringoton

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