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Streak: 2480 days
Level: 236
Score: 5,580,138
Playing: 43,644 sentences
Mastered: 36,954 sentences
Ranked: 208th overall
Ranked: 331st this week
  • Türkçe / English
    Streak: 2480 days
    Level: 225
    Score: 5,095,852
    Playing 37,521 sentences
    Mastered 34,873 sentences
    Ranked: 3rd overall
    Ranked: 7th this week
  • Azərbaycanca / English
    Streak: 922 days
    Level: 54
    Score: 33,688
    Playing 810 sentences
    Mastered 242 sentences
    Ranked: 20th overall
    Ranked: 8th this week
  • Türkçe / Magyar
    Streak: 922 days
    Level: 35
    Score: 13,688
    Playing 250 sentences
    Mastered 138 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 1st this week
  • English / Türkçe
    Streak: 922 days
    Level: 33
    Score: 12,332
    Playing 228 sentences
    Mastered 90 sentences
    Ranked: 112th overall
    Ranked: 13th this week
  • Suomi / English
    Streak: 836 days
    Level: 20
    Score: 5,420
    Playing 256 sentences
    Mastered 17 sentences
    Ranked: 886th overall
    Ranked: 116th this week
  • Español / English
    Streak: 820 days
    Level: 75
    Score: 74,744
    Playing 1,344 sentences
    Mastered 683 sentences
    Ranked: 2,555th overall
    Ranked: 142nd this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 672 days
    Level: 37
    Score: 15,640
    Playing 270 sentences
    Mastered 137 sentences
    Ranked: 2,692nd overall
    Ranked: 378th this week
  • Қазақша / English
    Streak: 135 days
    Level: 25
    Score: 7,924
    Playing 252 sentences
    Mastered 38 sentences
    Ranked: 16th overall
    Ranked: 9th this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 113 days
    Level: 30
    Score: 10,812
    Playing 131 sentences
    Mastered 98 sentences
    Ranked: 5,532nd overall
    Ranked: 545th this week
  • 日本語 / English
    Streak: 28 days
    Level: 1
    Score: 164
    Playing 24 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 16,144th overall
    Ranked: 257th this week
  • Magyar / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 111
    Score: 262,402
    Playing 2,142 sentences
    Mastered 399 sentences
    Ranked: 53rd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Svenska / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 38
    Score: 16,116
    Playing 278 sentences
    Mastered 169 sentences
    Ranked: 1,125th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Română / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 23
    Score: 6,772
    Playing 113 sentences
    Mastered 64 sentences
    Ranked: 528th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 5
    Score: 784
    Playing 24 sentences
    Mastered 6 sentences
    Ranked: 23,436th overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • فارسی / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 0
    Score: 16
    Playing 1 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 2,943rd overall
    Ranked: N/A this week

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