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Streak: 1291 days
Level: 145
Score: 759,098
Playing: 51,127 sentences
Mastered: 2,444 sentences
Ranked: 2,134th overall
Ranked: 2,934th this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 781 days
    Level: 112
    Score: 265,272
    Playing 18,375 sentences
    Mastered 692 sentences
    Ranked: 713th overall
    Ranked: 849th this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 266 days
    Level: 91
    Score: 133,024
    Playing 10,584 sentences
    Mastered 838 sentences
    Ranked: 999th overall
    Ranked: 536th this week
  • Русский / English
    Streak: 163 days
    Level: 121
    Score: 360,818
    Playing 22,168 sentences
    Mastered 914 sentences
    Ranked: 214th overall
    Ranked: 338th this week

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