a, to
Letter Lua error: not enough memory. See Wiktionary:Lua memory errors for more information.
The first letter of the Spanish alphabet, written in the Latin script.
Noun Lua error: not enough memory. See Wiktionary:Lua memory errors for more information.
Name of the letter Lua error: not enough memory. See Wiktionary:Lua memory errors for more information..
Preposition Lua error: not enough memory. See Wiktionary:Lua memory errors for more information.
Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a.
Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
A Tom no le gustó la manera en que Mary le habló.
Tom didn't like the way Mary spoke to him.
Mi tren salió a las siete y llegó a Nueva York a las diez.
My train started at seven, arrived in New York at 10.
Tom quería que Mary pose desnuda para su pintura, pero ella se negó a hacerlo.
Tom wanted Mary to pose in the nude for his painting, but she refused to do so.
Ella corrió a su cuarto, llorando.
She ran to her room, crying.
Mi madre se opuso a que yo fuera a Medio Oriente.
My mother objected to my going to the Middle East.
La degradación de almidón está ligada a un reloj Circadiano.
Starch degradation is linked to a Circadian clock.
Se suicidó a los treinta años.
He killed himself at the age of thirty.
La gente fue evacuada a causa de la inundación.
The people were evacuated because of the flood.
¿Cuándo nos volvemos a ver?
When shall we meet again?
Fue a la tienda cuando estaba a punto de cerrar.
He went to the store just as it was going to close.
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