/aposˈtaɾ/, [a.posˈt̪aɾ]bet, to bet
Verb apostar (first-person singular present apuesto, first-person singular preterite aposté, past participle apostado)
(transitive) to bet
Verb apostar (first-person singular present aposto, first-person singular preterite aposté, past participle apostado)
(transitive) to post (to assign to a station; to set; to place)
Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Deja de apostar.
Quit gambling.
Apostar le trajo la ruina.
Gambling brought about his ruin.
Tienes que dejar de apostar.
You need to stop gambling.
¿Cuánto puedes apostar?
How much can you bet?
Tienes que dejar de apostar de una vez por todas.
You've got to give up gambling once and for all.
Apostar excesivamente provoca los mismo cambios en el cerebro que la adicción a las drogas.
Excessive gambling causes the same brain changes as a drug addiction.
¿Cuánto tienes para apostar?
How much can you bet?
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