
/kaˈreɾa/, [kaˈre.ɾa]

career, race

Noun carrera f (plural carreras)

  1. race
    Es una carrera contra el tiempo.
    It's a race against time.
  2. run (act of running)
  3. (baseball) run
  4. (academics) course of study
    Es una carrera de cuatro años.
    The degree takes four years to complete.
    Estoy haciendo la carrera de sociología.
    I'm majoring in sociology.
  5. career
    El escándalo arruinó su carrera.
    The scandal ruined his career.
  6. run (line of knit stitches which have unravelled)
    Tienes una carrera en las medias.
    Your pantyhose has a run in it.
  7. journey, fare (of a taxi)

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Todos estábamos sorprendidos de que Tom ganara la carrera.

    We were all surprised that Tom won the race.

  • En estos tiempos arduos para la economía, deberías invertir un poco de tus ingresos en tu carrera.

    You should invest a little bit of your income into your career in these tough economic times.

  • Nuestro amigo terminó la carrera en segundo lugar.

    Our friend finished the race in second place.

  • El escándalo fue fatal para su carrera política.

    The scandal was fatal to his political future.

  • Había cincuenta concursantes para la carrera.

    There were fifty competitors for the race.

  • Tan pronto como sintió su casa sacudirse, salió de una carrera al jardín.

    As soon as he felt his house shake, he rushed out into the garden.

  • Él puso un fin inesperado a su carrera como poeta.

    He put a sudden end to this career as a poet.

  • Su prosa está llena de descripciones floridas y clichés, asegurando su carrera como novelista romántica.

    Her prose is full of needlessly florid, cliched descriptions, securing her career as a romance novelist.

  • Lentamente terminó la carrera.

    He slowly finished the race.

  • Poco después de volver a Francia decidió abandonar su carrera de economista para dedicarse a su verdadera pasión, la escritura, en España.

    Shortly after coming back to France, he decided to abandon his career as an economist in order to dedicate himself to his true passion: writing, in Spain.

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