
/ˈkomo/, [ˈ]

how, like, what

Adverb como

  1. as (to such an extent or degree)
    No es tan alta como nosotras.
    She's not as tall as us.
  2. like, about (approximately)
    Hemos esperado como media hora.
    We've waited like half an hour.

Conjunction como

  1. as (introducing a basis of comparison or equality)
    ¿Tienes tanta hambre como yo?
    Are you as hungry as I am?
  2. as, since (being that)
    Como nunca vio mi mensaje, vamos sin ella.
    Since she never saw my message, we're going without her.
  3. how (in which way)
    Me gusta como hablas.
    I like the way you talk.
  4. (followed by the subjunctive) if, unless (under the condition that)
    Como llegues tarde otra vez, ¡te mato!
    If you arrive late again, I'll kill you!

Preposition como

  1. as (in the manner or role specified)
    Mis ahijados me ven como un tío.
    My godchildren see me as an uncle.
  2. such as (for example)
    Algunos países de Asia, como Laos y Vietnam...
    Some countries in Asia, such as Laos and Vietnam...
  3. like (similar to, reminiscent of)
    Llevan gafas redondas como las de John Lennon.
    They wear round glasses like John Lennon's.

Verb como

  1. First-person singular (yo) present indicative form of comer.

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Él tomó prestado algo de dinero de su padre como último recurso.

    He borrowed some money from his father as a last resort.

  • El Partido Socialista le preparó como candidato presidencial.

    The Socialist Party groomed him as a presidential candidate.

  • He decidido empezar a usar mi cerebro. Voy a aprender tantos idiomas como pueda antes de morir.

    I've decided to start putting my brain to use. I'm going to learn as many languages as possible before I die.

  • Como nuestro taxi se averió en el camino, tuvimos que ir andando hasta la estación.

    As our taxi broke down on the way, we had to walk to the station.

  • Son tan fuertes como nosotros.

    They are as strong as us.

  • Ellos están tan cansados como nosotros.

    They're as tired as we are.

  • Sé tan poco como tú.

    I know as little as you do.

  • Regresa y dile a tu rey como los dioses lucharon a nuestro favor.

    Return and tell your king how the gods fought to our favor.

  • Como no soy bueno nadando, evito sumergirme por sobre la cabeza.

    Since I'm not so good at swimming, I avoid swimming in water that's over my head.

  • Él, como también su hermana, están invitados a la fiesta.

    He, as well as his sister, are invited to the party.

See more examples

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