
/kompɾoˈmiso/, [kõm.pɾoˈ]

commitment, engagement

Noun compromiso m (plural compromisos)

  1. commitment
    sin compromiso
    without obligation
  2. (law) compromise
  3. predicament (an unfortunate or trying position)

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Tengo otro compromiso.

    I have another engagement.

  • El compromiso entre el señor Rogers y la señorita Smith fue anunciado ayer.

    The engagement of Mr Rogers and Miss Smith was announced yesterday.

  • Se encontró en un compromiso terrible.

    He found himself in a terrible fix.

  • Lo siento, tengo otro compromiso.

    I'm sorry, I have another engagement.

  • La verdad es que tengo otro compromiso.

    The fact is that I have another appointment.

  • Tom le dio un anillo de compromiso a Mary.

    Tom gave Mary an engagement ring.

  • Tom no pudo asistir a la reunión por un compromiso previo.

    Tom couldn't attend the meeting because of a previous engagement.

  • Llegué tarde al compromiso.

    I was late for the appointment.

  • Finalmente alcanzamos un compromiso.

    Finally we reached a compromise.

  • Los medios se enteraron de un rumor sobre su compromiso y vinieron rápidamente.

    The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly.

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