
/aˈbeɾ/, [aˈβ̞eɾ]

have, see, to have

Verb haber (first-person singular present he, first-person singular preterite hube, past participle habido)

  1. (auxiliary verb taking past participle to build various perfect tenses) to have
    He trabajado muy duro durante este mes.
    I have worked very hard during this month.
    Mi hermanito me pidió más chocolate, pero ya le había dado demasiado.
    My little brother asked me for more chocolate, but I had already given him too much.
  2. to hold; to possess(Can we add an example for this sense?)
  3. (impersonal, in third person singular only) to exist; “there is”, “there are” (hay); “there was”, “there were” (había)
    No hay muchas personas aquí.
    There aren't many people here.
  4. (dated or formal outside Spain) to have to do (+ de + infinitive)
  5. (Used only in the third-person existential form) to be necessary (+ que + infinitive)
    Hay que proteger el mundo.
    It is necessary to protect the world.
  6. used to denote a past obligation
    Haberle llamado.
    You ought to have phoned her.

Noun haber m (plural haberes)

  1. asset
  2. history
  3. credit side

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Debería haber venido.

    He should have come.

  • Deberías haber sabido lo que quería decir.

    You must have known what she meant.

  • Él lamentó no haber seguido mi consejo.

    He regretted not having taken my advice.

  • Ella me acusó de haber mentido.

    She accused me of telling a lie.

  • Deberíais haber estado aquí.

    You should've been here.

  • Si querías mejorar tu español, no tendrías que haber venido a Chile.

    If you wanted to improve your Spanish, you shouldn't have come to Chile.

  • Él está orgulloso de no haber ido nunca al médico.

    He is proud of not having consulted a doctor.

  • Él debe haber llegado a la estación.

    He must have reached the station.

  • Fue tonto de mi parte haber cometido dos veces el mismo error.

    It is silly of me to have made the same mistake twice.

  • Deberías de haber estudiado más duro.

    You should have studied harder.

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