
half, stockings, tights

Adjective medias f pl

  1. feminine plural of medio

Noun medias f pl

  1. plural of media

Noun medias f pl (plural only)

  1. pantyhose (North America), tights (UK)

Verb medias

  1. Informal second-person singular () present indicative form of mediar.

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • No dejes tu trabajo a medias.

    Don't leave your work half done.

  • No me gusta dejar el trabajo a medias.

    I don't like leaving the job half done.

  • Estados Unidos es el único país que fue de la barbarie a la decadencia sin civilización entre medias.

    America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

  • El trabajo está a medias.

    The job is half done.

  • Ella lleva medias.

    She's wearing tights.

  • Quítate las medias.

    Take off your socks.

  • No haga usted las cosas a medias.

    Don't do a half-baked job.

  • No debes hacer cosas a medias.

    You shouldn't do things by halves.

  • No dejes las cosas a medias.

    Don't leave things half finished.

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