
/keˈɾida/, [keˈɾi.ð̞a]


Noun querida f (plural queridas, masculine querido, masculine plural queridos)

  1. female equivalent of querido
  2. dear, honey, darling
  3. mistress

Adjective querida f sg

  1. feminine singular of querido

Verb querida f sg

  1. Feminine singular past participle of querer.

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Querida, tal vez me estés escondiendo algo.

    My dear, maybe you are hiding something from me!

  • Ella es una niña muy querida.

    She is a very dear girl.

  • Querida, si la comida no está lista a las siete, voy a ir al mesón.

    My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant.

  • Ella era querida por todos en la villa.

    She was loved by everybody in the village.

  • No mientas, querida.

    Don't lie, Honey.

  • ¡Oh, querida niña! Me encantaría verte convertirte en la esposa de un buen granjero y ser una de nuestras vecinas.

    Ah! my dear girl, I would love to see you become the wife of a good farmer and be one of our neighbours.

  • No soy un detective polaco, querida señora. Soy un detective internacional.

    I am not a Polish detective, dear lady. I am an international detective.

  • ¡Querida, el placer es mío! Si tienes alguna pregunta, házmelo saber.

    That's my pleasure, dear! If you have any questions, let me know!

  • Mi querida, si la comida no está lista a las siete, voy a ir al mesón.

    My love, if the food isn't ready by seven o'clock, I'm going to go to the restaurant.

  • Francamente, querida, me importa un bledo.

    Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

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