/ˈkjeɾo/, [ˈkje.ɾo]i want, i want to, want
Verb quiero
Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Es todo lo que quiero hacer.
It is all I want to do.
No quiero carne.
I don't want meat.
Quiero casarme con ella.
I want to marry her.
Quiero mostrarte algo.
I want to show you something.
Quiero anotar todo esto.
I want to write all of this down.
Quiero que veas este video.
I want you to watch this video.
Quiero que el mundo entero sepa que nos vamos a casar.
I want the whole world to know that we're going to get married.
Y la arquitectura... en realidad no me interesa. Solo quiero un estudio cómodo y un dormitorio cómodo.
The architecture... I don't really care about it. I just want a comfortable study and comfortable bedroom.
Quiero una corbata que vaya con este traje.
I want a tie to go with this suit.
Quiero ser claro al respecto.
I want to be clear about that.
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