
greetings, greets, say hello

Verb saluda

  1. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted) present indicative form of saludar.
  2. Informal second-person singular () affirmative imperative form of saludar.

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Saluda a todos en voz alta.

    He greets everyone loudly.

  • Por favor, saluda a tu padre por mí.

    Please give my regards to your father.

  • Saluda a tu mamá de mi parte.

    Say hello to your mum for me.

  • Por favor, saluda a tu esposa de mi parte.

    Please say hello to your wife for me.

  • Por favor saluda a tu familia.

    Please say hello to your family.

  • Saluda a tu hermana de mi parte.

    Say hello to your sister for me.

  • Por favor, saluda a tus padres.

    Please say hello to your parents.

  • Ella no saluda a los vecinos.

    She doesn't say hello to her neighbours.

  • Saluda a tu padre de mi parte.

    Say hello to your father for me.

  • Ella le saluda cada mañana en cuanto entra en el edificio de la escuela.

    She greets him every morning as he enters the school building.

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