
/sepaˈɾaɾ/, [se.paˈɾaɾ]

pull apart, separate

Verb separar (first-person singular present separo, first-person singular preterite separé, past participle separado)

  1. (transitive) to separate, to detach (to disunite from a group or mass; to disconnect)
    Separó los huevos en diferentes tamaños.
    He separated the eggs into different sizes.
  2. (transitive) to break up, to split up (a couple or group that the subject of the sentence is not a part of)
    Cariño, ¡despierta! Tu madre siempre ha estado tratando de separarnos.
    Babe, wake up! Your mother has always been trying to break us up.
  3. (reflexive) to break up, to split up, to separate (e.g. a relationship, a band, a fight)
  4. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to split off, to split up, to split apart, to separate
  5. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to part, to detach
    separarse de
    to detach from
  6. (reflexive) to detach (oneself)

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • No se puede separar la lengua y la cultura.

    You can't separate language from culture.

  • Debemos separar la política de la religión.

    We must separate politics from religion.

  • No se puede separar la leche del café una vez que la hayas metido.

    You cannot separate the milk from the coffee once you put it in.

  • ¿No puedes separar la fantasía de la realidad?

    Can't you divorce fantasy from reality?

  • Ellos se quieren separar después de 40 años de matrimonio.

    They want to separate after 40 years of marriage.

  • No hay nada que nos pueda separar.

    There's nothing that can keep us apart.

  • Te mostraré cómo separar el oro de la arena.

    I'll show you how to separate gold from sand.

  • Nadie los puede separar.

    No one can separate them.

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