
/teˈneɾ/, [t̪eˈneɾ]

have, to have

Verb tener (first-person singular present tengo, first-person singular preterite tuve, past participle tenido)

  1. (transitive, literally) to have, possess
    Ella tiene seis hermanos.
    She has six brothers.
    Tengo una pluma.
    I have a pen.
  2. (transitive) to have, possess, to be (a condition or quality)
    Usted tiene suerte.
    You are lucky.
    ¡Ten cuidado!
    Be careful!
    ¿Quién tiene razón?
    Who is right?
    Ese que
    Who is right?
  3. (transitive) to hold, grasp
    Ten esto.
    Hold this.
  4. (transitive) to contain, to hold (e.g. to "hold the power to", "hold the key", "hold a clue", "hold the truth", "have a hold on", "hold in store", "hold all the cards", "hold in high regard", etc.)
    Este tarro tiene las cenizas.
    This jar contains the ashes.
    El estadio es enorme. Puede tener una capacidad de hasta cien mil espectadores.
    The stadium is huge. It can hold up to one hundred thousand spectators.
    Solía pensar que ese libro tenía todas las respuestas.
    I used to think that book held all the answers.
  5. (transitive) to have, feel (internally)
    Él le tiene mucho cariño a ella.
    He has much admiration for her.
    Tengo frío.
    I feel cold.
    Tenemos hambre.
    We are hungry.
  6. (transitive) to make to feel
    Eso nos tiene tristes.
    That makes us sad.
  7. (transitive) to have (a measure or age)
    Tiene tres metros de ancho.
    It is three metres wide.
    Tengo veinte años.
    I am twenty years (old).
  8. (used with que) to have to
    Tengo que salir ahora.
    I have to leave now.
  9. to get (e.g. to get a minute, to get an idea, to get a chance, to get a concussion/bruise/headache, to get in an accident, to get a place, to get a view of, to get a meeting, to get a vision, etc.)
    Ese cadete necesita tenerlo bajo control.
    That cadet needs to get it under control.
  10. to keep, to bear (in certain phrases; e.g. to bear in mind, bear a resemblance, keep a journal/diary, keep around something or someone)
    Ten en cuenta que es más difícil de volver a subir al cañón que descenderlo.
    Keep in mind that it's more difficult to go back up the canyon than to go down it.
    Pronto voy a comprobar sus billetes, así que ténganlos a manos.
    I will soon be checking your tickets, so keep them handy.
    Ella tuvo diez hijos, todos partos naturales.
    She bore ten children, all natural births.
  11. to make (in a few select phrases)
    Ahora todo tiene sentido.
    Now everything makes sense.
  12. (reflexive) to be taken (usually has deber for an auxiliary verb when used)

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Nadie parecía tener un motivo para el asesinato.

    Nobody seemed to have a motive for the murder.

  • Si te vas al extranjero, necesitas tener un pasaporte.

    If you are going abroad, it's necessary to have a passport.

  • Vamos a tener que quitarle las muelas del juicio. Ahora mismo.

    We're going to have to remove your wisdom teeth. Right now.

  • Me gustaría tener el pelo así.

    I would like my hair in this style.

  • Los conductores irresponsables deberían tener retenidas sus licencias.

    Bad drivers should have their licenses taken away from them.

  • Lo que el profesor dijo hizo que Mary empezara a tener sudores fríos.

    What the teacher said made Mary break out into a cold sweat.

  • Es necesario tener una licencia para manejar un coche.

    It is necessary to have a license to drive a car.

  • La felicidad no consiste en tener solamente bienes materiales.

    Happiness isn't merely having many possessions.

  • Voy a tener una charla con Tom.

    I'm going to have to talk to Tom.

  • No quiero tener más problemas con Tom.

    I don't want any more trouble with Tom.

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