
/ˈeʝo/, [ˈe.ʝo], /ˈeʝo/, [ˈe.ʝo]


  • Él me habló acerca de ello.

    He spoke to me about it.

  • Estaba pensando en ello.

    I was thinking about it.

  • No volvamos a hablar de ello.

    Let us never speak of this again.

  • Él no pudo evitar reírse de ello.

    He couldn't help laughing at it.

  • No hay nada malo en ello.

    There is nothing wrong with this.

  • Ve a por ello.

    Go get it.

  • Puede que haya dicho algo sobre ello, pero no recuerdo.

    He may have said something about it, but I don't remember.

  • Puedes estar seguro de ello.

    You can be sure of that.

  • No querían pasar mucho rato hablando de ello.

    They did not want to spend much time talking about it.

  • Pensaré en ello.

    I'll think about it.

  • Simplemente da terror pensar en ello.

    It simply doesn't bear thinking about.

  • No puedo calcular el coste definitivo sin hablar primero de ello con nuestros contratistas.

    I can't calculate the final cost without first discussing it with our contractors.

  • Tengo que pagar por ello.

    I have to pay for it.

  • ¡Puedes hacerlo! ¡Ve a por ello! Cuentas con todo mi apoyo.

    You can make it! Go for it. I'll stand by you.

  • Yo estaba pensando en ello.

    I was thinking about it.

  • Hablaremos de ello en unos días.

    We'll talk about it in a few days.

  • Cuéntame todo sobre ello.

    Tell me everything about it.

  • Es tan terrible que no quiero pensar en ello.

    It is so dreadful that I don't want to think of it.

  • Él no quería pensar en ello.

    He didn't want to think about it.

  • Ella prefiere no hablar de ello.

    She prefers not to talk about it.

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