
/ˈeʝo/, [ˈe.ʝo], /ˈeʝo/, [ˈe.ʝo]


  • ¿Cómo viniste a saber de ello?

    How did you come to know it?

  • Si no quieres hablar de ello, no hay problema.

    If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay.

  • No podía dejar de sospechar que había algo detrás de ello.

    I could not but suspect that there was something behind it.

  • Iba a preguntarle a Tom sobre ello, pero nunca tuve la oportunidad.

    I was going to ask Tom about it but never got the chance.

  • No soy un artista. Nunca tuve mente para ello.

    I am not an artist. I never had the knack for it.

  • Pienso en ello de vez en cuando.

    I think about it from time to time.

  • Simplemente no tengo nada que decir sobre ello.

    I have simply nothing to say about it.

  • ¿Por qué no entras y hablamos de ello mientras tomamos una taza de café?

    Why don't you come in and we'll talk about it over a cup of coffee.

  • En realidad ustedes no quieren hablar de ello, ¿verdad?

    You don't really want to talk about this, do you?

  • Él no está sólo interesado, está loco por ello.

    He is not just interested, he's crazy about it.

  • Sin importar cuánto piense en ello no lo entiendo.

    No matter how much I think about it, I can't understand it.

  • Solo quiero olvidarme de ello.

    I just want to forget about it.

  • Junté más información sobre ello.

    I gathered more information about it.

  • ―¿Has oído la noticia? ―No, no sé nada sobre ello.

    "Did you hear the news?" "No, I know nothing about it."

  • Yo me encargo de ello.

    I'll take care of it.

  • Nunca había pensado antes en ello.

    I had never thought about it before.

  • Existe, pero visto que es tabú y que no se habla de ello, no hay necesidad de palabras para ello.

    It exists, but seeing as it is taboo and that nobody talks about it, there's no need to have words for it.

  • Solo en filosofía uno puede usar un argumento circular y recibir elogios por ello.

    Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it.

  • Los hombres infelices, como los hombres que duermen mal, siempre están orgullosos de ello.

    Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact.

  • Me excuso por ello.

    I apologize for this.

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