
/ˈfwi/, [ˈfwi]

i was, i went, went

  • Fui allí por necesidad.

    I went there of necessity.

  • Cuando me fui de vacaciones a España visité un museo para ver una exposición sobre útiles de labranza.

    When I went on vacation to Spain, I went to a museum to see an exhibition of old farming equipment.

  • Ella dijo que fui yo, pero ese niño no es hijo mío.

    She said I am the one, but the kid is not my son.

  • Fui corriendo al colegio, pero la campana ya había sonado.

    I ran to school, but the bell had already rung.

  • Fui profesor durante quince años.

    I was a teacher for fifteen years.

  • Fui de compras el sábado pasado.

    I went shopping last Saturday.

  • Como ella no vino, yo tampoco fui.

    Since she didn't come, I didn't go either.

  • Fui allá a verla.

    I went there to see her.

  • Fui a Ecuador cuando tenía ocho años.

    I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old.

  • Fui invitado a su fiesta de cumpleaños.

    I was invited to her birthday party.

  • Estaba muy cansado así que me fui a dormir temprano.

    Being very tired, I went to bed early.

  • Fui conmovido por esa película.

    I was moved by this movie.

  • No fui la única que hizo promesas.

    I wasn't the only one who made promises.

  • Me subí a una bicicleta y fui tras el ladrón.

    I got on a bicycle and chased after the thief.

  • Después de haber terminado la tarea, me fui a dormir.

    After I had finished the job, I went to bed.

  • Yo fui la primera persona que ella vio en cuanto abrió los ojos.

    When she opened her eyes I was the first person she saw.

  • En cuanto llegué a casa me fui a la cama.

    As soon as I got home, I went to bed.

  • Yo fui el último en salir.

    I was the last one out.

  • Fui al zoológico con mi hermana.

    I went to the zoo with my sister.

  • Ayer fui al zoo.

    I went to the zoo yesterday.

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