
/ˈfwi/, [ˈfwi]

i was, i went, went

  • Fui capaz de responder a la pregunta.

    I was able to answer the question.

  • Estaba muy cansado, de manera que me fui temprano a la cama.

    I was very tired, so I went to bed early.

  • No quería coger un resfriado, así que no fui a esquiar.

    I didn't want to catch a cold, so I didn't go skiing.

  • Me fui de grifo anoche.

    Last night I puked.

  • Fui secuestrada por extraterrestres.

    I was abducted by aliens.

  • Lo que más me sorprendió realmente fue que yo fui el único al que despidieron.

    What really surprised me most was that I was the only one who got fired.

  • Me fui a dormir tan pronto llegué a casa.

    I went to sleep as soon as I got home.

  • Ya fui a la carnicería esta mañana.

    I already went to the butcher's shop this morning.

  • Fui abducida e inseminada por unos lobos que aterrizaron con su platillo volante en mi jardín de atrás.

    I was abducted and impregnated by wolves who landed their flying saucer in my backyard.

  • Nunca fui a pescar de noche.

    I've never gone fishing at night.

  • Yo fui al mercado.

    I went to the market.

  • Fui a Boston en coche.

    I went to Boston by car.

  • Fui forzado a hacer todo el trabajo solo.

    I was compelled to do all the work alone.

  • Solo fui ahí una vez.

    I only went there once.

  • Fui a la universidad por cuatro años y todo lo que obtuve fue este miserable diploma.

    I went to college for four years and all I got was this lousy diploma.

  • Como no había ningún asiento desocupado en el bus, me fui parado todo el camino.

    There being no vacant seat in the bus, I stood all the way.

  • Como no había ningún asiento desocupado en el bus, me fui parado.

    There being no vacant seat in the bus, I kept on standing.

  • Yo fui lo suficientemente tonto para creerle.

    I was foolish enough to believe it.

  • Por poco fui atropellado por un auto.

    I was almost run over by a car.

  • Fui solo al baile.

    I went stag to the prom.

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