Mandarin Chinese Sentences About City

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Embark on an urban linguistic adventure with Clozemaster's collection of 20 captivating sentences about "City" in Mandarin Chinese. Designed to sharpen your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary, this vital resource equips learners with authentic Mandarin Chinese phrases and sentences that illuminate city life. Each sentence boasts text-to-speech audio, ensuring you grasp the correct pronunciation, alongside English translations for clear understanding. Perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese speakers aiming to deepen their knowledge, our list serves as a practical tool to master the hustle and bustle of city-centric conversation. Dive into the metropolitan buzz and enhance your Mandarin fluency with Clozemaster's curated city sentences today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 一支铜管乐队正在街上行进。

    A brass band is marching along the street.

  • 今天交通拥堵。

    There's a lot of traffic today.

  • 他们住在郊区。

    They live in the suburbs.

  • 向一个警察问路。

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • 在市中心找停车位太令人沮丧了。

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • 墙壁上布满了涂鸦。

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • 学校建成了。

    Schools were built.

  • 建筑工程今天开始了。

    The construction work has begun today.

  • 我们要去公园。

    We are going to the park.

  • 我们镇上有很多公园。

    There are many parks in our town.

  • 我住在一个大城市里。

    I live in a big city.

  • 我住在一个小城市里。

    I live in a small city.

  • 我家附近的剧院正在重建。

    The theater in my neighborhood is being rebuilt.

  • 我父亲在市政厅有很大的影响力。

    My father has a lot of clout at city hall.

  • 我的梦想是去游览美国城市。

    My dream is to visit American cities.

  • 捣乱分子损坏的长椅已经更新换代。

    The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced.

  • 街道很干净。

    The streets are clean.

  • 这些工人正在建造一条路。

    These workmen are constructing a road.

  • 那是一座历史纪念碑。

    That's a historic monument.

  • 雨水清洗了尘土飞扬的街道。

    The rain cleansed the dusty streets.

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