Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Crime

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your interactive platform for boosting your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary! Our curated list of 20 compelling sentences centered on the theme of "Crime" is tailored for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners. Each sentence is accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. This engaging resource allows you to learn context-rich Mandarin Chinese phrases and sentences, enhancing your understanding and fluency. Dive into our immersive learning experience and master crime-related vocabulary effortlessly. Begin now and take your language skills to the next level with our essential Mandarin Chinese sentences!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他们挖出了一个装有人体残骸的盒子。

    They dug up a box containing human remains.

  • 他因破坏公物被捕。

    He was arrested for sabotage.

  • 他因走私货物被捕。

    He was arrested for smuggling goods.

  • 他被怀疑涉嫌抢劫。

    He was suspected of the robbery.

  • 小偷今天早上被逮捕了。

    The thief was apprehended this morning.

  • 小偷偷走了我的钱包。

    The thief stole my wallet.

  • 小偷试图打开保险柜。

    The thief attempted to open the safe.

  • 我给他戴上了手铐。

    I put handcuffs on him.

  • 我需要密钥来破解这则信息。

    I need the key to decode this message.

  • 摄像机拍到了男人在商店里偷窃。

    The camera caught the man stealing in the store.

  • 汤姆伪造了自己的死亡。

    Tom faked his death.

  • 汤姆承认谋杀了玛丽。

    Tom confessed to murdering Mary.

  • 汤姆消失得无影无踪。

    Tom disappeared without a trace.

  • 汤姆被判处终身监禁。

    Tom was sentenced to life in prison.

  • 汤姆被引诱进了一个陷阱。

    Tom was lured into a trap.

  • 犯罪正在增加。

    Crime is increasing.

  • 玛丽给了汤姆一盒放了毒药的巧克力。

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • 系统的安全性受到了破坏。

    The system's security was compromised.

  • 这个有罪的人到处留下线索。

    The guilty left hints everywhere.

  • 黑客未经允许侵入计算机。

    Hackers break into computers without permission.

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