Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Colors

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Welcome to our vibrant selection of 20 sentences focused on "Colors" designed to enhance your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary! This richly curated list is perfect for learners looking to transition from basics to intermediate Mandarin Chinese phrases. Each sentence comes with accurate text-to-speech audio to ensure your pronunciation matches native speakers. Alongside, you'll find English translations to help you grasp the nuances of Mandarin Chinese sentences related to colors. Whether you're an aspiring polyglot or a dedicated language student, our interactive learning experience will immerse you in the colorful world of Mandarin Chinese. Start mastering the hues of communication today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他今天穿了一套灰色西装。

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • 女孩头发上系着黄色丝带。

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • 她眼睛的虹膜是蓝色的。

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • 彩虹就是天空中一道七色弧形

    A rainbow is a seven-colour arch in the sky.

  • 昨天我们把围栏漆成了白色。

    We painted the fences white yesterday.

  • 汤姆为我们的办公室选择了油漆的颜色。

    Tom chose the color to paint our offices.

  • 汤姆打了一条红白条纹领带。

    Tom wore a red and white striped tie.

  • 矮人戴着一顶闪亮的红帽子。

    The dwarf had a shiny red hat.

  • 红鞋与这件绿衬衫不搭。

    The red shoes clash with this green shirt.

  • 纸是白色的。

    Paper is white.

  • 袜子和她的蓝色衬衫相配。

    The socks matched her blue shirt.

  • 这些香蕉还没熟。

    These bananas are not ripe.

  • 这只驴是灰色的。

    The donkey is gray.

  • 这条狗是黑色的。

    The dog is black.

  • 这辆蓝色汽车是古董。

    The blue car is antique.

  • 那只猫是白色的。

    The cat is white.

  • 雏菊是白色的。

    The daisy is white.

  • 香蕉是黄色的。

    Bananas are yellow.

  • 魔鬼通常是红色的。

    The devil is usually red.

  • 黄昏时的天空是红色的。

    The sky at dusk is red.

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