Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Requesting Help

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Master the essential skills of communication with our collection of 20 Mandarin Chinese sentences focused on "Requesting Help". Perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, this resource enriches your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and phrases, ensuring you can confidently seek assistance whenever needed. Each instructive sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, offering you a comprehensive learning experience. Dive into the intricacies of Mandarin Chinese phrases and become proficient in articulating requests for help. Start your journey towards fluency today and prepare to impress with your polished language skills!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他极度需要帮助。

    He was desperate for help.

  • 他需要一些帮助。

    He needs some help.

  • 你能协助我吗,拜托了?

    Could you assist me, please?

  • 你能帮我吗?

    Can you help me, please?

  • 你能打扫一下厕所吗?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • 你能给我一些贵国的旅游宣传册吗?

    Would you give me some travel brochures from your country?

  • 厨房里有蚂蚁,得请个除虫专家来处理。

    We have ants in the kitchen, so we need to call an exterminator.

  • 向一个警察问路。

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • 听我说!

    Listen to me!

  • 她需要帮助。

    She needs help.

  • 如果你需要任何东西,告诉我。

    If you need anything, tell me.

  • 帮我打印这个

    Help me print this.

  • 我可以关窗吗?

    May I close the window?

  • 我需要尽快找到自动提款机。

    I need to find an ATM quickly.

  • 我需要皮疹药膏。

    I need a rash ointment.

  • 我需要螺丝刀。

    I need the screwdriver.

  • 请寄给我一份目录。

    Please send me a catalog.

  • 请解释一下。

    Please explain it.

  • 请阅读指示牌。

    Please read the sign.

  • 谁把所有的馅饼都吃光了?

    Who ate all the pies?

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