Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Disagreeing

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Looking to expand your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary with practical phrases for everyday situations? Our specialized Clozemaster collection features 20 authentic Mandarin Chinese sentences centered around the theme of "Disagreeing". Perfect for intermediate Mandarin learners, these sentences—with accompanying English translations—provide an invaluable resource for understanding and expressing disagreement in Mandarin. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to help you master pronunciation and intonation. Dive into our tailored selection and enhance your ability to engage in discussions, debates, and conversations with confidence. Propel your language skills forward and embrace the nuances of disagreeing in Mandarin Chinese.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他不同意他亲戚的意见。

    He disagrees with his relatives.

  • 他们就电影的结局争论起来。

    They argued about the movie's ending.

  • 他反对我们的计划。

    He objected to our plan.

  • 他反对新计划。

    He is opposed to the new plan.

  • 你总是怀疑我的话。

    You are always doubting my word.

  • 你拒绝付款。

    You refused to pay.

  • 你的观点与我截然相反。

    Your views are quite opposite to mine.

  • 在任何意见的交锋中,我们的对手都表现得极端异常。

    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

  • 她争论仅仅是为了争论本身。

    She argues just for the sake of arguing.

  • 她拒绝吃她的蔬菜。

    She is refusing to eat her vegetables.

  • 委员会以提案不切实际为由予以驳回。

    The committee rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was impractical.

  • 年轻人通常不喜欢礼节。

    In general, young people dislike formality.

  • 我不同意他的看法。

    I don't agree with him.

  • 我不想拒绝这个要求。

    I do not want to reject this claim.

  • 我对你感到失望。

    I was disappointed with you.

  • 我无法理解你的逻辑。

    I cannot follow your logic.

  • 我的祖母非常固执,从不改变主意。

    My grandmother is very stubborn and never changes her mind.

  • 我禁止你离开。

    I forbid you to leave.

  • 汤姆拒绝工作。

    Tom refuses to work.

  • 谁不同意?

    Who disagreed?

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