Welsh Sentences About Agreeing

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Master your Welsh vocabulary and enhance your conversational skills with Clozemaster's collection of 20 practical Welsh sentences focusing on the art of agreeing. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, these phrases come with text-to-speech audio so you can hear the natural pronunciation, alongside their English translations. Dive into the intricacies of Welsh dialect and familiarize yourself with common expressions used when expressing agreement. Our targeted list is an exceptional resource to refine your understanding and usage of Welsh phrases, ensuring you sound like a native speaker. Whether it's casual chats or formal discussions, become fluent in affirming your thoughts in Welsh with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bydd y ddamcaniaeth yn golygu derbyniad cyffredinol.

    The theory will find general acceptance.

  • Cytunodd hi'n anfoddog i'n cynnig.

    She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.

  • Cytunwyd i gadoediad dros dro.

    They agreed to a temporary truce.

  • Diolch am gytuno i'r cyfweliad hwn.

    Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

  • Fe wnaethon nhw gytuno iddo'n unfrydol.

    They agreed to it unanimously.

  • Gwnaethom ni gytuno ar amser y cyfarfod.

    We agreed on the meeting time.

  • Gwnaethon ni lofnodi'r cytundeb ddoe.

    We signed the agreement yesterday.

  • Mae gan hwn fy cymeradwyaeth.

    This has my approval.

  • Mae meddyliau gwych yn meddwl fel ei gilydd.

    Great minds think alike.

  • Maen nhw'n cymeradwyo.

    They approve.

  • O ran fi, does gen i ddim wrthwynebiad.

    As for me, I have no objection.

  • Roeddech chi'n hollol gywir.

    You were totally right.

  • Roedd y bleidlais yw unfrydol.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Rwy'n argyhoeddedig y byddwch chi'n gwneud yn wych.

    I'm convinced you'll do great.

  • Rwy'n cytuno â chi'n rhannol.

    I partly agree with you.

  • Rwy'n cytuno â'r datganiad hwnnw.

    I agree with that statement.

  • Rwy'n cytuno â rhai o'ch farnau.

    I agree with some of your opinions.

  • Rwy'n derbyn eich termau.

    I accept your terms.

  • Rwy'n llwyr yn cytuno â chi i gyd.

    I fully agree with all of you.

  • Wnes i gydsynio i fynd.

    I consented to go.

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