Welsh Sentences About Animals

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for enriching your Welsh vocabulary on the engaging topic of "Animals"! Dive into our carefully curated collection of 20 practical Welsh sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Ideal for intermediate Welsh learners, this resource arms you with a range of Welsh phrases about the animal kingdom to enhance your language skills. Listen, learn, and repeat as you master the pronunciation and gain confidence in constructing sentences. Embrace the challenge and expand your linguistic horizons with key Welsh vocabulary that will make your conversations more vibrant and diverse. Start your journey towards fluency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Achubodd Tom a Mary gath fach amddifad.

    Tom and Mary rescued an orphaned kitten.

  • Ces i fy mhigo gan wenynen.

    I got stung by a bee.

  • Daethon ni o hyd i grwban yn yr ardd.

    We found a turtle in the garden.

  • Dydw i ddim yn gallu troi y tir hwn gydag un tarw.

    I cannot plow this land with one bull.

  • Gwthiodd un o'r teirw y ffens i lawr.

    One of the bulls pushed the fence down.

  • Hedfanodd y frân i ffwrdd.

    The crow flew away.

  • Mae'r adar yn canu'n siriol.

    The birds are singing cheerfully.

  • Mae'r dodo yn rhywogaeth sydd eisoes wedi darfod.

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • Mae'r parot wedi marw.

    The parrot is dead.

  • Milfeddyg ydy hi sy'n caru cathod.

    She's a veterinarian who loves cats.

  • Nid pengwin ydw i.

    I am not a penguin.

  • Roedd y ci yn cysgu ar y mat.

    The dog was sleeping on the mat.

  • Roedd y cwch gwenyn yn llawn mêl.

    The beehive was full of honey.

  • Roedd y gath yn meow.

    The cat meows.

  • Roedd yr hwyaden yn nofio yn y pwll.

    The duck swam in the pond.

  • Roedd y storm daranus wedi dychryn y ci.

    The thundering storm frightened the dog.

  • Welsoch chi elc sâl?

    Did you see a sick moose?

  • Ydych chi erioed wedi godro buwch?

    Have you ever milked a cow?

  • Ydy pengwiniaid yn byw yn yr Arctig?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • Yr aderyn y si yw'r aderyn lleiaf yn y byd.

    The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world.

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