Welsh Sentences About Emergencies

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Master your Welsh vocabulary for emergency situations with Clozemaster! Our comprehensive list of 20 essential Welsh sentences related to emergencies comes with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear the pronunciation clearly, and English translations to ensure understanding. Whether you're an intermediate Welsh learner or simply looking to refine your command of critical Welsh phrases, this resource is designed to boost your confidence in handling unexpected situations. Get ready to learn and practice key Welsh expressions that could prove invaluable in urgent circumstances. Dive into the vital world of emergency Welsh vocabulary with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Brêswch eich hun am yr effaith.

    Brace yourselves for impact.

  • Byddwch yn wyliadwrus. Gall y gorchymyn gwacáu ddigwydd ar unrhyw adeg.

    Be on alert. The evacuation order may occur at any moment.

  • Cafwyd hyd i ddarnau yr awyren yn yr anialwch.

    The wreckage of the plane was found in the desert.

  • Cawsom daeargryn neithiwr.

    We had an earthquake last night.

  • Chwalodd ei gar i mewn i'r goeden.

    His car crashed into the tree.

  • Dinistriodd y tân gwyllt eu cartref.

    The wildfire destroyed their home.

  • Fe wnaethon ni adrodd ei fod ar goll.

    We reported him missing.

  • Ffoniwch y plismyn.

    Call the cops.

  • Ffoniwch yr adran tân.

    Please call the fire department.

  • Gafaelodd Tom yn fflocholau.

    Tom grabbed a flashlight.

  • Gwnaeth y ddinas brofi diffoddiad enfawr ddoe.

    The city experienced a massive blackout yesterday.

  • Mae'n rhaid i ni ffurfio cynllun os ydym am ei hachub!

    We have to formulate a plan if we are to save her!

  • Mae'r brêcs wedi mynd!

    The brakes are gone!

  • Mae'r ddamwain wedi achosi llawer o farwolaethau..

    The accident has caused many deaths.

  • Oes yna oroeswyr?

    Are there survivors?

  • Plygiwch y gollyngiad hwnnw!

    Plug up that leak!

  • Rhoddodd gyfrif manwl i ni o'r ddamwain.

    He gave us a detailed account of the accident.

  • Roedd claf yr ysbyty yn gwaedlifo'n wael.

    The hospital patient was hemorrhaging badly.

  • Roedd y ddyfais honno yn achubwr bywyd.

    That device was a lifesaver.

  • Yn wyrthiol, ni fu farw yr un ohonynt.

    Miraculously, none of them died.

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