Welsh Sentences About Festivals

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Welcome to Clozemaster's immersive learning experience designed to enhance your Welsh vocabulary with essential Welsh sentences about festivals. Our curated list of 20 engaging sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is the perfect resource for intermediate Welsh learners looking to deepen their understanding of Welsh phrases and cultural festivities. As you listen and repeat, you'll not only enrich your language skills but also become more familiar with the vibrant world of Welsh festivals. Embrace the rhythm of Welsh celebrations and level up your linguistic prowess with Clozemaster, your gateway to mastering real-world Welsh vocabulary!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beth ydyn ni'n dathlu?

    What are we celebrating?

  • Cafodd y traddodiad ei atgyfodi ar ôl blynyddoedd.

    The tradition was resurrected after years.

  • Cariodd pob tîm eu baner i mewn i'r stadiwm ar gyfer y rowndiau terfynol.

    Each team carried their flag into the stadium for the finals.

  • Daethant ynghyd i goffau y fuddugoliaeth.

    They gathered to commemorate the victory.

  • Daeth yr gwyl i ben.

    The festival came to an end.

  • Daeth y tân gwyllt i ben gyda ffrwydrad uchel.

    The fireworks ended with a loud explosion.

  • Dan ni'n mynd i'r carnifal penwythnos yma.

    We're going to the carnival this weekend.

  • Gwnaeth Tom fynychu y briodas.

    Tom attended the wedding.

  • John yw gwesteiwr y parti.

    John is the host of the party.

  • Mae hwn yn achlysur arbennig.

    This is a special occasion.

  • Mae llawer o Asiaid yn dathlu Blwyddyn Newydd Lunar.

    Many Asians celebrate the Lunar New Year.

  • Mae'n paratoi ar gyfer y Gemau Olympaidd eleni.

    He is preparing for the Olympic Games this year.

  • Maent yn dweud iechyd da gyda champagne.

    They are toasting with champagne.

  • Mae'n un o gŵyliau gerddoriaeth mwyaf yr haf.

    It is one of the biggest summer music festivals.

  • Mae'r Sbaenwyr yn adnabyddus am eu gwyliau.

    The Spaniards are known for their festivals.

  • Mae'r ŵyl yn digwydd bob gwanwyn.

    The festival occurs every spring.

  • Nid yw pob Frasiliaid yn mwynhau Carnafal.

    Not all Brazilians enjoy Carnaval.

  • Roedd y parti yn bleserus iawn.

    The party was very enjoyable.

  • Rydym yn dathlu Nadolig gyda'r teulu.

    We celebrate Christmas with family.

  • Wnaeth miloedd o ganhwyllau goleuo'r eglwys yn ystod y seremoni.

    Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony.

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